Pisum sativum
peas have been grown for centuries in Europe, although its origin is the Middle East, of the legume family, is an annual herb vine. The leaves have pairs of leaflets and tangled around their guardians for growth.
The fruit is a pod of 5 to 10 inches and each pod usually 4 to 10 seeds that vary in size and color depending on the variety (usually tend to be green) to which they belong.
can be eaten with or without pods.
green peas can be eaten with or without pods. Which are eaten pods and seeds are called sugar peas. When they are tender with a sweet taste and can be eaten raw. Variety
According to the period lasting fruit maturation may be early, middle and late.
- Negret (plant size dwarf, slightly curved pods, round grain with a smooth surface but with dimples, for greening and industry).
- Halo (dwarf plant, smooth round dimpled grain, canned, frozen and market).
- Lincoln (average height, slightly curved pod, grain and rough cylindrical, green onions, canning and freezing).
- Volunteer (average height, slightly curved pods, large oval, smooth, dimpled, green onions).
- Asterix (average height, slightly curved pods with truncated tip, dark green, cylindrical grain rough).
- Allegro (early cycle, plant medium height, smooth round bead with dimples).
- Phone (grain-size oval rough because the pods are highly developed, especially in low-bearing plants, greening, there are submanifolds of Booths).
- TV (curved sheath with pointed tip, dark green, oblong irregular grain and rough skin, spring onions and freezing).
- snow peas (English, is eaten pod and grain curved sheath very long, coarse smooth oval dimpled, also called "cappuccino").
- Cometodo (Mangetout) yellow pod (cometodo butter, smooth oval dimpled grain).
can withstand low temperatures, including frosts, can hold up to -3 or -4 degrees below zero. Grow worse if temperatures are less than 7 degrees being optimum growth temperature between 16 t 20 degrees Celsius.
The soil should not be too wet or clay, although it has to be moist, not too much because they rot the seeds. In calcareous soils may have problems of chlorosis, yellowing. Waves does not require much work, the soil must be aerated.
Sowing :
is grown in winter or spring. In some places it is sown in autumn and harvested in late spring and can also be sown in January or February and harvested in early summer.
is planted in rows or tables, is best done in tables where a variety of vining because it is easier to make the tutor, to create these pictures can prepare the ground with a rake.
is sown at a depth of 4 to 5 inches, use 100 to 200 kilos per hectare. Launched seed and they should leave a line spacing of 30 to 40 centimeters.
The plant can be measured according to the shorter range of 30 to 45 inches and the longest from 50 to 80 inches have to be guided by a tutor.
mature in late May to late June. Need a furrow 15 cm wide and 5 cm deep, and a distance of 5 cm between seeds. You can make plants on trays and passed into the garden when the weather is milder.
should be watered when the weather is dry when the plant has flowers and pods.
Subscriber :
do not need to pay it with manure and organic matter does not need much nor mineral fertilizers. Weeds
weeds must be removed regularly. Tutoring
should be guided with a cane when they go out the first tendrils.
have to pick the pods before they are very fibrous. A row will give at least three crops. When collecting just cut the plants and stop breaking down roots, it enriches the soil with nitrogen for further planting.