Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Size Basketball Shirt Should I Get?

Strawberries Lettuce Peas

Pisum sativum

peas have been grown for centuries in Europe, although its origin is the Middle East, of the legume family, is an annual herb vine. The leaves have pairs of leaflets and tangled around their guardians for growth.
The fruit is a pod of 5 to 10 inches and each pod usually 4 to 10 seeds that vary in size and color depending on the variety (usually tend to be green) to which they belong.
can be eaten with or without pods.

green peas can be eaten with or without pods. Which are eaten pods and seeds are called sugar peas. When they are tender with a sweet taste and can be eaten raw. Variety


According to the period lasting fruit maturation may be early, middle and late.

- Negret (plant size dwarf, slightly curved pods, round grain with a smooth surface but with dimples, for greening and industry).

- Halo (dwarf plant, smooth round dimpled grain, canned, frozen and market).

- Lincoln (average height, slightly curved pod, grain and rough cylindrical, green onions, canning and freezing).

- Volunteer (average height, slightly curved pods, large oval, smooth, dimpled, green onions).

- Asterix (average height, slightly curved pods with truncated tip, dark green, cylindrical grain rough).

- Allegro (early cycle, plant medium height, smooth round bead with dimples).

- Phone (grain-size oval rough because the pods are highly developed, especially in low-bearing plants, greening, there are submanifolds of Booths).

- TV (curved sheath with pointed tip, dark green, oblong irregular grain and rough skin, spring onions and freezing).

- snow peas (English, is eaten pod and grain curved sheath very long, coarse smooth oval dimpled, also called "cappuccino").

- Cometodo (Mangetout) yellow pod (cometodo butter, smooth oval dimpled grain).


can withstand low temperatures, including frosts, can hold up to -3 or -4 degrees below zero. Grow worse if temperatures are less than 7 degrees being optimum growth temperature between 16 t 20 degrees Celsius.


The soil should not be too wet or clay, although it has to be moist, not too much because they rot the seeds. In calcareous soils may have problems of chlorosis, yellowing. Waves does not require much work, the soil must be aerated.

Sowing :

is grown in winter or spring. In some places it is sown in autumn and harvested in late spring and can also be sown in January or February and harvested in early summer.

is planted in rows or tables, is best done in tables where a variety of vining because it is easier to make the tutor, to create these pictures can prepare the ground with a rake.

is sown at a depth of 4 to 5 inches, use 100 to 200 kilos per hectare. Launched seed and they should leave a line spacing of 30 to 40 centimeters.

The plant can be measured according to the shorter range of 30 to 45 inches and the longest from 50 to 80 inches have to be guided by a tutor.

mature in late May to late June. Need a furrow 15 cm wide and 5 cm deep, and a distance of 5 cm between seeds. You can make plants on trays and passed into the garden when the weather is milder.


should be watered when the weather is dry when the plant has flowers and pods.

Subscriber :

do not need to pay it with manure and organic matter does not need much nor mineral fertilizers. Weeds


weeds must be removed regularly. Tutoring


should be guided with a cane when they go out the first tendrils.


have to pick the pods before they are very fibrous. A row will give at least three crops. When collecting just cut the plants and stop breaking down roots, it enriches the soil with nitrogen for further planting.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How To Catch Jirachi In Pokemon

Lactuca sativa is a plant of the family of the compound without knowing very well put their home some botanical origin Italy but not agree. In small plants were originally bitter taste. There are two main types that differ in single sheets or in the form of buds.
Possibly the most popular type is a bud, the iceberg, followed by Roman and leaves.


are categorized by the way:

- Lactuca sativa long leaves with entire margins and midrib marked.
- Roman or Mule Ear
- Baby.

- Lactuca sativa, variety capitata as tight bud with leaves.

- Batavia.
- Trocadero.
- Great Lakes.
- Iceberg.

- Lactuca sativa, variety intybácea. Blades cut loose, reddish.

- Lollo rossa.
- Red Salade.

- Lactuca sativa, variety angustana takes them only because the stem is tender and juicy but it has to be done before bloom.

also can be classified into:

- Fall Lettuce
Spring Lettuce - Lettuce
summer - winter lettuce
- Minilechugas

needs a cool climate, should be planted in early spring or late summer, because they do not grow at high temperatures, the taste can be bitter and flowers are formed on the stem. Soil


have to be rich in organic matter, pH neutral and permeable. Land


It must be a subscriber uniform and planting every 15 days to always have fresh lettuce. Depending on the irrigation system we use we will use a crop to another, if watered with a hose must define the soil with a small elevation to stall a little water and the lettuce was placed at a span of one and two between rows, if on the contrary we irrigate by flooding must be made and planted ridges on one side of the ridge. Sowing


seedlings are made and when we can bring the plants into the garden planted in rows of 30 cm between plants and rows.
Seeds lettuce require light to grow, not have to cover the earth but must be put in contact with the ground, they must have moisture.
They always use fresh seeds and should not be saving much time can be saved for planting in autumn seed was packaged under vacuum in a refrigerator. Irrigation


have to water twice a week, much more frequently over the leaves develop but must be lightweight. If watered too may have rust on the leaves.


If the leaves are tied whiten and will be more tender, must be four or five days before removing.


The duration of the crop is 20 to 90 days even in summer is 20 days. You can remove the leaves of the plant instead of whole strategy to be more tender. Flowering stem in long days of warm temperatures, when it begins to form you can take and store in the refrigerator. If you can remove the bitter taste labando leaves and keep them in the refrigerator a couple of days.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Metallic Feeling In Mouth Wisdom Teeth Removal

other professionals do not want to make our educational work

I take the liberty to publish a copy of a letter which I received by email. If someone else can spread it, the better.


Letter in Defense of the Status of Teachers

Let me freedom to express myself now as a student of 5 th year of the course of Bachelor in Education and Education in Visual Arts UMCE respect of Article of Law General Education empowering graduates and other professionals for teaching, and that conflict is in essence quite clear, we live in a country of extremes, which is passed abruptly from the repression of debauchery, where there are no terms media talks about improving education and I feel fantastic teacher assessment, but where is the assessment of the family? The other pillar of education and that teachers had to assume and expand its work to replace the stage forming of parents who do not stop to educate their children.

talks about improving education and the teaching careers open any home studio, with registration requirements rather questionable, did we forget and pedagogies express?, talks about improving education and salaries to the faculty aims are frankly an insult, you insult the students who have already lost all respect for their own parent proxies insult you blame the teachers have lost control of their children, society insults you for being a second-class professional. Tell me then what incentive is there for good scores PSU entering teaching careers?, What person wants to live to work 44 hours a week at a college to earn $ 420,000?, Not to mention the extra hours devoted to preparing material teaching, proofreading, building assessment tools, etc. hours are removed to leave, the family and further training.

remember the speech of many university teachers talking about teaching is an act of love, but of course it is an act of love, only love makes you sublimate reality, idealizing the people and believe you're really changing the world, contributing to building a better society.

Then turn on the television just after zero hour, and I see the interview with mr. Jaime Gajardo in the program last look, where the journalist dismantles the entire statement by the representative union, according to accuse him to be defending plots of teachers' work, would not have done it long ago the pharmaceutical chemist? Is it not legitimate to defend your work?, But above all stressed the approach that Mr Gajardo could not express well (before the interruption of the period) and that is not enough to know what is taught, we must know how to teach, so trains teachers in Chile, at the University who presented with greater pride, no sir, I do not study "Pebblegogy" I study in the UMCE and spent four years attending classes in parallel with teacher training and specialty classes.

well I dare say that the great problem of education is, however sad it may sound, a problem of money, how to improve education? Simple, loading them the salaries of teachers, apply best scores to teaching careers, the rest is given by logic, how to improve the quality of education? Simple, reduce the number of students per course, they cease to be 45 please ring or they can serve 45 children, each with problems and needs, not to mention the students 'integration' that require specific attention imagine graduates know perfectly, engineers, doctors and all the myriad of professionals "Higher" than in theory come to teach us how to do our job, to come to speak of behaviorism and constructivism, assessment tools, models and approaches to learning, guidance.

I am absolutely sure how much they want all teachers to make students very knowledgeable about the specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge to manage, teach them to appreciate poetry, science, history, but unfortunately they must first address what the family has neglected, when children and young people attend school unwashed, unshaven, uncombed, dirty clothes, shoes unpolished, not to mention vocabulary, they have not had breakfast, have a family member in prison, they are surrounded by the most appalling flaws of our society, then what is the priority? I mention this because the scenario is logical, better qualified teachers are no classes in establishments of the above characteristics, seeking particular sector and subsidized, paid better and more pleasant work environment, who can not access them, they must conform with the public sector, with social risk, with the worst scenario is the sad reality of the teacher who discourages, not perfect, supporting a family with a miserable salary. Where is

the call then? clear that he is there, but we also have to eat, we must also live, and the bread of teaching, frankly becoming increasingly bitter, I mean the son, grandson and nephew of teachers such as Mr Warken Nicanor Parra, citing in his column, let your voice day after day in the classroom, all chosen profession with the highest of vocations and have worked with quality, do not fear the educational evaluation, but require a minimum of respect as the professionals they are.

Atte. Felipe José Ramírez Godoy


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Headache Hard To Swallow

Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum

the potato is an annual species of the Solanaceae family originating in the Andes that reproduces by underground tubers are stalks. These are the comestivle tubers of the potato. A growing buds are called eyes.


can bake, broil, fry, put in salads, make purees, soups, etc ... also be used for dextrin, glucose, starch, etc ... addition to animal feed.
also has a medicinal value, protecting the liver and gallbladder, is used to stimulate digestion and acts as a diuretic, that is, as a scavenger of liquids, other than to lower cholesterol and fat blood, also has content in insulin diabetics benefit by limiting the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Variety: Are the

extratempranos (from 15 January to 15 April), early (from 15 April to 15 June), half of season (from June 15 the 30 th September) and tardies (30 September to 15 January).
The early extratempranos and are immature and can be peeled with a fingernail once cooked.
varieties of potatoes can be by the color of the skin ( red, yellow, white ) or the flesh color (yellow or white). Skin may be
smooth or rough , buds can be surface or sunken , can also distinguish different ways in the tuber that can be cylindrical, oval-shaped or round . All this determines the differences between the 1500 varieties that exist. Yellow

- Etoile du Leon (yellow skin and white flesh, smooth surface, surface buds, young, good cooking quality, grown in Valencia and other Mediterranean areas).
- Jaerla (skin and yellow flesh, smooth skin "eyes" = Bud surface tubérculosovales round, early, good cooking quality.)
- Bintje (yellow skin and flesh, smooth skin, shallow eyes, medium-early, elongated oval tubers, large, good quality both in developing chips and cooked).
- Claustar (skin and yellow flesh, smooth surface, shallow eyes, medium-early, oval round tubers, buenacalidad for consumption, keeping).
- Eureka (skin and yellow flesh, oval tubers, shallow eyes, large, medium-early).
- Kennebec (yellowish white skin, white flesh, shallow eyes, white skin, large tubers, medium-early).
- Marfona (skin and yellow flesh, whites, yolks, semi-deep, smooth skin, can be semitempranaque medium late, large tubers, good cooking).
- Monalisa (skin and yellow flesh, large oval tubers, shallow eyes, medium-early).
- Royal Kidney (yellow, smooth, white flesh, large eyes surface cultivadaen Balearic and Canary Islands for export).
- Spunta (clear yellow flesh and skin, kidney-jarring large tubers, smooth skin, shallow eyes, good quality, medium-early, cultivated in Castilla y León).
- Obelix (yellow skin, light yellow flesh, skin semilisa).
- Arran Banner (light yellow skin and white flesh, round tubers somewhat flattened, deep sunken eyes, medium-early cycle, spring and summer collection that can reach semi-late cycle, harvest in summer and autumn, widespread cultivation in northern deEspaña).
- Agria (skin and yellow flesh, smooth skin, sunken buds, elongated cylindrical tubers).
- King Edward (yellow skin and white flesh, shallow eyes with a slight reddish pigmentation, oval tubers, widely cultivated in the Canary Islands).
- Alfa (yellow skin and flesh, rough, somewhat sunken eyes, thick tubers, medium late).
- Baraka (yellow skin and flesh, tubers large elongated oval type, late maturing, good quality). White

- Pentland (skin and white flesh, round oval tubers, shallow eyes, medium late).
- Xantia (skin and white flesh, smooth skin, egg surface, irregular round shape).
- Friesland (skin and white flesh, smooth skin, sunken eyes, round). Rojas

- Condor (red skin and pale yellow flesh, shallow eyes, oval, medium-early to medium late).
- Red Pontiac (red skin and white flesh, tubers rounded, sunken eyes, medium-early, good quality for consumption).
- Desiree (red skin smooth, light yellow flesh, elongated oval tubers large, medium late, for baking and frying).
- Asterix (red skin, light yellow flesh, rough surface).

- Achat.
- Álava.
- Arka.
- Attica.
- Aura.
- Bartin.
- Belladonna.
- Bella de Fontenay.
- Bimonda.
- Blanka.
- Cantata.
- Cardinal.
- Duquesa.
- Fábula.
- Furore.
- Geld.
- Gineke.
- Goya.
- Heida.
- Inca.
- Kingston.
- Maica.
- Majestic.
- Worldwide.
- Nicola.
- Olalla.
- Olinda.
- Ostara.
- Palogan.
- Rosalie.
- Sergen.
- Turia.
- Up-to-date.
- Urgent.
- Victor. Temperatures


is sensitive to late frosts it delays the start of the tubers and decreases the production is small tubers. On the contrary if it is too high to affect tuber formation and pests and diseases can develop.

should not be planted in stony or compact because it was formed while the tuber, it requires a well-aerated soil and fluffy, is a plant that can withstand salinity. Sowing


To make hybrids and new seed varieties are used. To plant potatoes can get another crop of potatoes that are cut. If small pieces are used for livestock. To plant the ground must have a temperature above 7 degrees and depends on the date of planting area. When planted in colder areas planted in late spring or early summer and can be collected in October or November. And if it is hot weather are planted in spring. For the early
less land is needed and will come in early summer. The earliest departing between 0:14 weeks, the following among the fifteen and eighteen weeks and normal between eighteen and twenty weeks.
It must plant whole tubers weighing more than 30 grams but also can be cut up into two equal-sized pieces with the same number of buds. Plantation


is made with small tubers or pieces of potato with two or three buds facing up making a hole in the ground and leaving it aired. We will have to leave a meter between the rows, with a depth of 7 to 8 cm and leaving a separation of 20 centimeters.
You can put the tubers in trays for 6 weeks prior to spring planting. Irrigation


The best method to irrigate potatoes is the spray dry land but can hold water and will appreciate having the highest number of tubers, but not be over water when they go out or when tubers appears flower and can be harmful because it reduces the felucca and can make it vulnerable to some diseases. It can strengthen the root if left without much water when making the tuber.

fertilization :

preferably with organic fertilizer that can be served with compost in large quantities.


Weeds are detrimental to the potato.

Other work :

clumps are broken before harvesting the tubers as they help to fatten the tubers.


potato cycle from 3 to 6 months depending on when you plant and climate. Potatoes are started when the flowers open. With more tardies must wait the stem is brown. We must save them in a dark, dry place so they do not sprout. We must do a rotation every 5 years to avoid some parasites.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beachvolley Prevent Cameltoe

Garlic Potatoes Carrots

Daucus carota The carrot is a vegetable hard biennial Umbelliferae family originated in central Asia, Afghanistan. It grows thick root that grows in the growing season. Biannual


To complete the cycle takes two years but in the carrot root is used only in a few months so collected. The first year is a root and a few leaves. In the rest period and grows a short stem flowers are formed in the second season. Carrot flowers are white.

Using carrot :

can be eaten raw or cooked, you can scratch, chopping, juicing or cooking them whole. Can be stored in winter. Have more nutritional value in soups, stews and salads. Are high in fiber and sugar and is high in vitamin A.

carrot Types:

-Large, can be eaten cooked or raw.
-Long and fine packaging.
-Manojillo, are tender and sweet to eat them fresh. Variety


- Parisian (root radius, early).
- Rondo (drift of Paris).
- Amsterdam (cylindrical, thin, medium-long).
- Chantenay (elongated conical, sometimes with red heart, hold on to cracking).
- Guerande (short taper).
- Little (fine roots, a finger).
- Nantes (elongated cylindrical).
- Flakee (more elongated than Nantes, blunt end).
- Mallorquina (early, slightly greenish neck).
- Antares (cylindroconical, resistant to breakage.)
- Long Imperator (deep orange, root long).
- San Valery (long, big and pointy).
- Tip-Top (early, drifting from Nantes).
- Danvers (U.S., similar to the chatenay).
- Carson F1 (hybrid type chatenay).
- Nippon (hybrid type Nantes).
- Tino F1 (type Nantes). Growing


grow slowly, can be planted alongside other short cycle such as lettuce. It is a biennial plant, the first year are removed and the second raics flourish and get the fruit. Can be planted in sandy soil in anticipation.


Ideally, planting in temperate climates with a minimum temperature of 9 degrees and opima 16 to 18 degrees. Supports up to 5 frost and freezing temperatures above the age of 28. Soil


The best soil is aerated soil, clayey, deep and it does not dry very quickly.
prefers soils rich in organic matter. Solid floors are thinner carrots and small and at risk of rotting in the water. If the soil is rocky out deformed if the soil has a lot of organic waste out raies corky.
not have to repeat the field where it was grown in 4 or 5 years.
are recommended as previous crops tomato, leek and onion.

land preparation:

have to make a first pass deep (moldboard) and a more superficial grower. Must be plowed so that this airy, no lumps or organic debris for good root formation. They are typically used plateaus of 1.5 meters and 4 bands of planting. Sowing


must choose the different varieties according reccolectarlas anytime. Grow best when planted in spring. Those that are planted in midsummer small and sweet is collected in autumn.
The seed is pulled over the ground and rises from 10 to 15 days, if performed in various crops can be collected in various crops. Can not be planted until the soil is 5 degrees.
varieties that come before it takes 7 to 10 days to leave, the normal 10 to 16 days.
are seeded to 1 inch of depth to 15 separate centimentros away, every 2 or 3 weeks. The soil must be moist but not flooded.
The plants have to be 8 cm between them. If you are going to sow broadcast is throwing it to throw 80 grams of seed per area, so the distandia between plants is 15 x 20 centimeters.
germinate best in warm, moist soil, this can be achieved with plastic covering the row of carrots.

If planting is done at random, will be used by area about 80 g of seed, leaving the final distance between plants of 15 x 20 cm, which suggests that if they remain at distances of less need to proceed to the thinning of plants and leaves when the first plants have emerged.

Irrigation: Irrigation

need enough in summer, especially in dry soil. Weeds


is very sensitive to competition, it is imperative to remove them at first. Can be removed with a hoe be careful and do a deep cleaning to avoid damaging the roots.


, harvested before it is completed (up to 5 cm in diameter). The period for the collection ranges from 3 to 7 months depending on variety and time of year be planted. Beware the strategic and clean the land. Can be harvested at various times of the year. Have to be collected before they are ripe because the very large have less flavor.
Those that are planted in summer can be left until the first frost. Straw can be placed to catch them even if the land is frozen because of the cold preserved. Conservation


can be stored in refrigerator, in a hold buried in moist sand or a garden in a pit covered with straw. You can save between 4 to 6 months with cut leaves, because although the leaves can be eaten take away moisture and nutrients. You can freeze if it is sterilized.