Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Is A High Nln Exam Score?

polycarbonate lenses are a type of organic lenses, ie, consist of a polymer, but unlike the organic polymer forms long chains that parallel with few links between them, this provision makes the lens present a high impact resistance.

The great advantage of polycarbonate lenses is that they are more resistant to organic lenses, so it is recommended for rimless eyewear (drilled). Furthermore, the refractive index is 1.6, so a lens is more fine organic a CR-39 lens. Another advantage is its lightness due to low density.

The disadvantages as with organic lenses is its ease of scratch, so it is necessary to use a scratchproof treatment or hardened to prevent scratching easily. It also features optical quality least the low-index organic lenses, so that chromatic aberration (the appearance of colored shadows around the objects) is more evident when looking through the lateral ends of this type of lenses.

If you have questions or want more information, please leave your comment

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dzierżysław Theodor Von Rudziński,

Polycarbonate Lenses Lenses

organic lenses are composed of organic polymers. They are popularly known as plastic lenses, although the polymers used are selected by their optical and physical properties.

refractive indices, as we saw in the previous post, is the indicator of the reduction of the lens are different from the minerals lenses, and may differ depending on the home than the market, this happens in cases of high rates. The lowest lens corresponds at a rate 1.5 (material known as CR-39), and we can find the 1.56, 1.6, 1.67, 1.7, 1.74 and finally the 1.76 organic lens is smaller than currently exists.

For organic lenses and light weight reduction if they are united, unlike the mineral lenses, but as was the case with these, increasing the reduced optical quality is usually worse, becoming more apparent aberration spherical when we look at objects at the edges of the lenses (see objects with colored shadows.)

The advantages organic lens are its lightness and resistance impact.

Its great drawback is its ease of scoring , to avoid this treatment appeared to harden the lens, making it more resistant to scratching, but eventually end up scratching before a mineral lens. Despite this, and thanks to the firming treatments organic lenses are the lenses of reference in recent years.

Monday, February 1, 2010

8 Year Old Showing His Penis To His Freinds

Organic Minerals

Usually when we buy a pair of glasses ask us what we want our lens material. Generally speaking organic or mineral lens, but other materials, we will see differences.

A mineral lenses also known as glass lenses, are lenses made primarily with fused silica with other metal oxides such as titanium, sodium, etc., depending on the specific characteristics we want, such as reducing the lens.

The reduction of the lens is related to the refractive index , the lowest rate that exists in the 1,523 mineral lens, the lens is therefore more basic. If we want a smaller lens will have to choose a higher rate, the next index would be 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and finally we have the index 1.9 lens is smaller there. The problem of the reduction in mineral lenses is that they have added in manufacturing heavy metal oxides and this increases the weight. Therefore, in the more reduced mineral lens is a lens, despite having less thickness, will be a heavier lens.

Another point to note is that the optical quality of the lens is reduced below the lens of 1,523. A further reduction, lower quality optics. This is noticeable especially when we look at an object outside the visual axis in high-grade lenses reduced, where we see that the object has a kind of colored shadows, this is known as aberration spherical.

The big advantage of mineral lenses is your scratch resistance, as it is very difficult to scratch.

On the contrary, his great drawback is its weight , which is far superior to organic lenses. Another drawback is that when a glass lens can break easily if we drop the glasses. For this reason it is not recommended for children.