Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How To Make A Report Card 5 Years Old

Workspace: Curiosity about olive

-To prepare your workspace need to define a rectangle with four poles six feet long and five feet wide.

-To prepare your workspace need to define a rectangle with four poles six feet long and five feet wide.

"We must plow this area by about grooves 20 to 30 centimeters depth to which we can use the hoe, a rototiller, a spade, etc.. ...

-Rake is beyond the earth and removed the larger stones.

"Once plowing this area defined a central corridor to establish a corridor through which we pass when we have access to care for our crops.

"In the two rectangles that are prepared with a layer of 2 to 4 inches of compost be removed to ground to provide nutrients to the soil.

-prepared over the rectangle rather a drip irrigation system or grooves to water so that wet the entire earth.


Above compost organic waste will place straw or wood shavings.

-will plant vegetables, do so with plants before removing the straw and manure compost and plant on earth. If done with seeds must be done between compost and soil.


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