Friday, March 20, 2009

Wendy Calio Descuidos

Lycopersicum esculentum

is a plant of the Solanaceae family originating Southwest America.Es an annual plant, it can sometimes last more than a year in the field. The stems are slightly angular, semi-ligneous medium weight (close to 4 cm at the base) and with simple and glandular trichomes.

Leaves medium to large (10 to 50 cm), alternate, petiolate, bipinatisectas (with leaflets further divided) and numerous simple and glandular trichomes.

Frutos :

The fruit can be round, oblate or pear-shaped. The tomato fruit produced from tiny cherry-sized, to huge fruit up to 750 gr. Most varieties are red, but there are also orange, yellow, pink and even. It has a high water content and is rich in vitamin A and C.

tomato quality standards :

distinguishes 4 types of tomatoes:

- Round smooth.

- ribbed.

- Elongated.

- cherry tomatoes (cherry) and cocktail (motif).

There are 3 categories, depending on the quality of the fruit:

- Extra.

- First.

- Second.

species and varieties of tomato :

- Tomato "beef" (especially for salads).
- Marmande Tomato (fruit of a ribbed, flat and multilocular).
- Vernon Tomato (fruit smooth, slightly crushed, colored differently. It is a French hybrid, resistant to mosaic disease.)
- Tomato Moneymaker (in the Canary Islands and Alicante, export destination. He is known in Spain and Canary tomato or smooth. Winter Season).
- Tomato Muchamiel (ribbed, large fruit).
- Tomato Late Pomet (slightly ribbed, floury flesh reminiscent of apple.)
- Tomato Rome (Italian variety canned peeled tomatoes, small fruits or trilocular bi, pear-shaped, uniform size of fruit) (there are varieties resistant to two major diseases: Fusarium and Verticillium).
- Pear Tomato (used increasingly in the canning industry for peeled tomatoes.)
- San Marzano Tomato (currently used in the canning industry for peeled tomatoes, pear type).
- Tomato Cocktail (small fruits, for industrial or concentrated tomato puree, chopped as a garnish for meat or fish).
- Tomato cherry (cherry tomatoes, small size, fitting, long-life in the bush. Cherry tomato).
- Tomato bouquet (sold as a bunch of fruit.)
- Tomato smooth (comprising a plurality of varieties, industry).
- Ballon Rouge Tomate (smooth).
- Hybrid Cintra (smooth).
- Hybrid Pyros (smooth).
- Hybrid Tison (smooth).
- Hybrid Lucy (smooth).
- Hybrid Mina (smooth, English).
- Hybrid Fandango (smooth).
- Hybrid Fauvette (smooth).
- Hybrid Flamingo (smooth).
- Variety Floral the smooth .
- Variety Marglobe (smooth).
- Variety Stonnor exhibition (smooth).
- Hybrid Nancy (smooth).
- Wonder of the markets (smooth). Growing


need a lot sun with a warm temperate climate. A frost or cold may drive them to lose.
cool temperature in places you have to find a sheltered site pr a wall or a sunny and warm or prepare a greenhouse. The optimum temperature is 20 to 24 degrees. Soil


The soil must be soft and very well paid with plenty of organic matter. If your soil is poor and not very deep you should pay it with compost. The soil pH should be slightly acid.


The seedlings need to be done in early spring. In greenhouses can be made in mid-winter to maintain a minimum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
have to be planted in trays or pots with soil mix. The seeds have to be 5 mm deep and 4 inches apart.
They have to water and have to cover them with brown paper until they germinate at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.
The plants must carry a 18-cm pots. When planted in trays can be planted when they are 15 cm in height. Sowing


is sown in rows 80 cm and 50 cm between plants. The plants need much watering and sun. Well watered before transplanting
A spindle-type plants before they nailed a beer from 1.25 m to climb. It says the ground and watered.


tomato plants need regular watering but not over, with a couple of times a week enough. If we are not constant watering and we crack the fruit will not grow well. Payment


When the fruit is small you have to add fertilizer rich in potassium irrigation. Tutoring


When the plants grow a bit to bring them some beers are intertwined because they are very weak and may break. Pruning


dawn It has to come out any lateral bud in the axils of the stems with leaves, the tip stands out when there's plenty of fruit. In cool climates the tips of the fusiform varieties outside and beyond the upper cluster stands out when you have created 4 or 5.
greenhouse in hot weather or can be left for 8 to 10 clusters.

Collection :

The crop lasts from 140 to 260 days. Are collected when they have color but are not yet mature, if collected often helps others to mature and that mature more quickly collect cut, having to be tied up all before frost.


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