Tuesday, June 2, 2009

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What is TEL?

There are several explanations of what constitutes an SLI (Specific Language Disorder). There are conceptual disputes between authors. Here we review a summary of the latest definitions, including tell us what the decree with which we work, in this case Exempt Decree 1300/2002. Indeed part explaining what the latter says:

Exempt Decree 1300/2002 Art.10:
"means children with TEL those with late onset or slow development of speech that is not explained by an auditory sensory or motor deficits, mental deficiency, mental diseases and disorders by massive development, social deprivation or emotional injury or brain dysfunction evident. The TEL is classified as expressive and mixed (receptive-expressive). TEL Expressive

The show is based on the following criteria diagnosis:
i. The scores obtained by conducting expressive language development, standardized, individually administered, are substantially below those obtained from standardized measures of receptive language development. The disorder may manifest clinically by some of the following symptoms, which may coexist or occur independently. These include word production errors, inability to use speech sounds appropriate for his age, a limited vocabulary, making errors in tense, or having difficulty recalling words or producing phrases of length or complexity of developmental level of the child.
ii. The difficulties with expressive language interfere with academic achievement or social communication.
iii. Not meet criteria for disorder Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder or generalized. The TEL Mixed

are evidenced by the following diagnostic criteria: i.
The scores obtained by a battery of developmental assessments of receptive-expressive language, standardized, individually administered, are lower than expected for the age of the child. Symptoms include their own expressive language disorder, and problems to understand words, phrases, or specific types of words, such as spatial terms.
ii. The shortcomings of receptive and expressive language significantly interfere with academic achievement or social communication.
iii. Not meet criteria for pervasive developmental disorder. "


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