Tony and Michael:
CONGRATULATIONS from the group boys, their success encourages us to continue with all our activities as a group and also is a good example for all of us.
So Organic! On with the good vibes, joy and pride that the boys have given us this award to continue with us, "Organic Agriculture."
If you did not see .. here we tell you!
Source: Gaceta Molinera
Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development
On 14 September, Odebrecht Peru finished the first edition of "Premio Odebrecht for Sustainable Development" following publication and award of the three best projects, including the proposal met Elvis Maikol Flores and Jose Antonio Rosell, students of the Faculty of Agronomy and team UNALM AEA Organic Agriculture University.
E l miller winning project is entitled "Production and Marketing of Ecological Dried Fruit with Rural Communities in poverty," and is to facilitate the movement of fruit farmers in rural communities through a model of solar dehydrator.
" Our work integrates three main areas: sustainability, ecological management and use of renewable energy ," Flores told the Gazette Maikol Molinera. He and Joseph Ross participated in the call for Odebrecht with the support of Professor Roberto Ugas, who advised on the theoretical aspects.
The proposal was designed with two young men in the National Association of Ecological Producers (ANPE), whose members are small farmers producing for subsistence and local market through various exhibitions. " We note that in the fairs organized ANPE had no fruits, and found the problem was the high cost of transportation, the fruit arrives in poor condition due to lack of technology. So we thought it was better to dehydrate and thus the product lasts longer and can carry anyway, "said Jose Rosell.
" Initially, when we found out could not believe it," he laughs the two young winners. The surprise of the outcome of the contest was as sudden as the knowledge of the call. " running around with all the steps above the competition and studies and reviews, we thought that we would not achieve " they added.
Odebrecht Peru invited different universities to participate in the call. Each institution could submit a limited number of projects, which should be composed of a maximum of two students and a faculty advisor. Of the hundreds of proposals were selected fifteen, and between selected the three winners were found. The best projects were chosen by a specialist Evaluation Committee, comprised of qualified professionals: clarity, validity, contribución técnica y aplicabilidad de los proyectos.
La premiación se realizó el 14 de septiembre en el Novotel y contó con la participación de Henri Le Bienvenu, Director de Perú 2021, quien además fue miembro del Comité Evaluador; el Ing. Luis Huamán, decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil de la UNI, el Ing. Eliodoro Carrera, Director del Programa de Campus Lima de la UDEP y la Ing. Saray Siura, Jefe del Programa de Hortalizas quien asistió como representante de la UNALAM.
“ Qué bueno que empresas grandes como Odebrecht hagan este type of competition. That way they can encourage people into thinking that things must be done according to environmental conservation and welfare of all ", said both students.
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