Thursday, March 26, 2009

Making A Wood Carving Bench

Allium sativum Liliaceae plant native to Asia, from there to Egypt, Rome and thence to Europe. Later the English brought to America. The most common is white, although there is also pink or purple and small or large. It is a bulbous root that is named head of about 10 to 12 teeth, the plant usually grows from 30 to 40 cm, with massive leaves. They do not usually have flowers, they may have shaped teeth are white or pink, are grouped in umbels.

Each flower has 6 white petals, 6 stamens and a pistil.
Each garlic is covered with a white membrane or other red varieties.
has medicinal properties very rich in minerals, sulfur, enzymes and vitamins. The leaf buds are eaten and are called garlic.

varieties of garlic:

- common White (wrap silver teeth, late, eaten dry).
- Rosa early (wrap rosacea teeth, consume tender, early).
- Red (red wrapper, the pigment becomes red teeth, teeth thick and short, earlier than whites). Growing


He likes light soil. We must prepare the ground 6 months before planting plowing about 30 to 35 cm followed by a cross tracked and credited with organic fertilizers. In places with little irrigation are planted on ridges that can be done with hoe or high moldboard plows.
grooves must have a width of 50 cm and 20 cm between bulbs and 20 to 25 cm between rows. The depth depends on the size of garlic, 2 to 4 cm. Sowing


order not to dehydrate you have to reel off the bulbs 5 or 10 days before planting, saving not serve to sow shelled. It takes 700 kilos of bulbs to plant one hectare. The Planting must be done from the crescent moon ever because the garlic can leave the earth in a few days.
in planting is to plant the seed tip up. The largest teeth must be put at a distance of 10 cm and the medium to a distance of 8 cm.
should be covered with a layer of 4 or 5 cm. Teeth must be planted in holes of 8 cm deep and a separation of 15 to 20 centimeters. Can be planted in pots, one in every pot and transplanted in spring.
have to be planted in the fall so they are very cold weeks.
When you have planted is watering, pouring water slowly. Avoid waterlogged and does not exceed the groove to avoid creating scabs in the plant.

Irrigation: Water should be

the first 6 irrigations every 15 to 25 days. After the first watering to be done after ten days a light watering to fertilize the seeds that have not yet SAILD.
When you start to do good must be watered more often, every 8 or 10 days. 15 or 20 days prior to harvest should be done the last irrigation.

Although garlic should not be watered too often, being the best that are planted in dry land, you must remove the weeds for better development. Subscriber


is very sensitive to the amount of fertilizer used, never have to use excess or by default. We must prepare the ground for a good crop. You have to use organic fertilizer on the ground uniformly mature well before planting. Work


It must be 3 or 4 crops to remove weeds, keep moisture, have the ground soft and better filtering of irrigation water. Ensuring that the bars do not harm the roots. You have to weed.


harvested in June or July. We have to wait 8 months to collect the fruits of autumn planting and 4 for the spring collection. Must be collected in good weather when the leaves are dry. In loose terrain can remove the bulbs by pulling the leaves, the compact is to use blades sapper, Legon.
plants can be left on the ground for 4 or 5 days, then collected and made strings for storage in a dry and ventilated. You can save some bulbs to plant next year.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wendy Calio Descuidos

Lycopersicum esculentum

is a plant of the Solanaceae family originating Southwest America.Es an annual plant, it can sometimes last more than a year in the field. The stems are slightly angular, semi-ligneous medium weight (close to 4 cm at the base) and with simple and glandular trichomes.

Leaves medium to large (10 to 50 cm), alternate, petiolate, bipinatisectas (with leaflets further divided) and numerous simple and glandular trichomes.

Frutos :

The fruit can be round, oblate or pear-shaped. The tomato fruit produced from tiny cherry-sized, to huge fruit up to 750 gr. Most varieties are red, but there are also orange, yellow, pink and even. It has a high water content and is rich in vitamin A and C.

tomato quality standards :

distinguishes 4 types of tomatoes:

- Round smooth.

- ribbed.

- Elongated.

- cherry tomatoes (cherry) and cocktail (motif).

There are 3 categories, depending on the quality of the fruit:

- Extra.

- First.

- Second.

species and varieties of tomato :

- Tomato "beef" (especially for salads).
- Marmande Tomato (fruit of a ribbed, flat and multilocular).
- Vernon Tomato (fruit smooth, slightly crushed, colored differently. It is a French hybrid, resistant to mosaic disease.)
- Tomato Moneymaker (in the Canary Islands and Alicante, export destination. He is known in Spain and Canary tomato or smooth. Winter Season).
- Tomato Muchamiel (ribbed, large fruit).
- Tomato Late Pomet (slightly ribbed, floury flesh reminiscent of apple.)
- Tomato Rome (Italian variety canned peeled tomatoes, small fruits or trilocular bi, pear-shaped, uniform size of fruit) (there are varieties resistant to two major diseases: Fusarium and Verticillium).
- Pear Tomato (used increasingly in the canning industry for peeled tomatoes.)
- San Marzano Tomato (currently used in the canning industry for peeled tomatoes, pear type).
- Tomato Cocktail (small fruits, for industrial or concentrated tomato puree, chopped as a garnish for meat or fish).
- Tomato cherry (cherry tomatoes, small size, fitting, long-life in the bush. Cherry tomato).
- Tomato bouquet (sold as a bunch of fruit.)
- Tomato smooth (comprising a plurality of varieties, industry).
- Ballon Rouge Tomate (smooth).
- Hybrid Cintra (smooth).
- Hybrid Pyros (smooth).
- Hybrid Tison (smooth).
- Hybrid Lucy (smooth).
- Hybrid Mina (smooth, English).
- Hybrid Fandango (smooth).
- Hybrid Fauvette (smooth).
- Hybrid Flamingo (smooth).
- Variety Floral the smooth .
- Variety Marglobe (smooth).
- Variety Stonnor exhibition (smooth).
- Hybrid Nancy (smooth).
- Wonder of the markets (smooth). Growing


need a lot sun with a warm temperate climate. A frost or cold may drive them to lose.
cool temperature in places you have to find a sheltered site pr a wall or a sunny and warm or prepare a greenhouse. The optimum temperature is 20 to 24 degrees. Soil


The soil must be soft and very well paid with plenty of organic matter. If your soil is poor and not very deep you should pay it with compost. The soil pH should be slightly acid.


The seedlings need to be done in early spring. In greenhouses can be made in mid-winter to maintain a minimum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
have to be planted in trays or pots with soil mix. The seeds have to be 5 mm deep and 4 inches apart.
They have to water and have to cover them with brown paper until they germinate at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.
The plants must carry a 18-cm pots. When planted in trays can be planted when they are 15 cm in height. Sowing


is sown in rows 80 cm and 50 cm between plants. The plants need much watering and sun. Well watered before transplanting
A spindle-type plants before they nailed a beer from 1.25 m to climb. It says the ground and watered.


tomato plants need regular watering but not over, with a couple of times a week enough. If we are not constant watering and we crack the fruit will not grow well. Payment


When the fruit is small you have to add fertilizer rich in potassium irrigation. Tutoring


When the plants grow a bit to bring them some beers are intertwined because they are very weak and may break. Pruning


dawn It has to come out any lateral bud in the axils of the stems with leaves, the tip stands out when there's plenty of fruit. In cool climates the tips of the fusiform varieties outside and beyond the upper cluster stands out when you have created 4 or 5.
greenhouse in hot weather or can be left for 8 to 10 clusters.

Collection :

The crop lasts from 140 to 260 days. Are collected when they have color but are not yet mature, if collected often helps others to mature and that mature more quickly collect cut, having to be tied up all before frost.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can A Viral Infection Raise Blood Pressure

Pepper Onion Tomatoes

Allium cepa.

is a plant of Asian origin, Western Asia, the lily family. It is a bulb that is formed by layers that are thick and fleshy nutritional reserves for feeding sheets and other layers are covered with fine, dry but they are the backbone of the leaves. The stem is stronger in the background and comes to be between 80 and 150 cm in height.
On the way there are varieties (in the form of a spinning top, globe, etc ...) and colors from white to yellow in color but red. Variety


There are a variety, but in Spain there are 4 main varieties:
- Early -turns in the spring. Varieties: spring (April-May), slug (May-June, has invested a cylinder, is very juicy and has a yellowish layer), early grain texas (very small comes fast and is yellow), ox blood (May-June, depressed bulb has a purple color that comes to the layers of the interior), yellow-straw (June, has a flattened shape), yellow bermuda (May-June, has flattened).
- Media station : Liria (June-July, is called a half point, is an intermediate between the onion and grain slug, are round and yellow), Crystal Wax White Bermuda or ( grown in the Canary Islands from May to June), Spain White (July, is white), Spain Residence (July to August, the outer layers are purple and red inside, the bulb is round).
- Delayed : Spain Yellow Sulphur (fall-iinvierno, are large, flattened and greenish-yellow) of Grain, Grain gold or Valencia late (September -October, the size is medium to large with a pale yellow color), purple Amposta (October-November, is very similar to the grain of gold but the exterior is red), dulce de Fuentes de Ebro ( autumn is large is used for salads and yellow).
- Other : Onions (June-July, are small for pickling), brown onion (especially for sausage).

Chemical composition of the onion : Water

92% 5% Carbohydrates (fiber 1, 3%)

Protein 1, 4% lipids

0, 2%

140 mg/100 g Potassium Sodium

8 mg/100 g mg/100 g Phosphorus 42 Iron

1 mg/100 g Vitamin C 19

mg/100 g



temperature Likes tuned between 15 and 23 degrees but the principle can withstand low temperatures. In the formation and growth of the bulb needs higher temperatures and more daylight hours in spring come the first, the short days and in summer-autumn late, those long days. Soil


requires loose soil, deep, with nutrient-rich organic matter, low in lime and of medium consistency, with a slightly acid PH. In areas with stone, with shallow water, the bulbs do not grow well and come out with a strong flavor. Care must be taken not to puddle.
If you have poor soils onions will keep better, but are less developed. If we obtain large bulbs need very fertile land, but if we paid with manure have to wait a year before planting.

Paving the way: In the terrn

compact to do more depth in the loose that can be planted 30 to 35 cm by the short length of their roots. If the culture is done on ridges, are made at a distance of 40 cm but is a method widely used.

Sowing :

seeds are obtained in the second year of cultivation. Usually reproduce by seed, Some varieties take small bulbs next to the main bulb can be used for new plantations. Planting can be done in the nursery or directly, but usually used the nursery, it is late winter, the first week of March.

In cold areas need to be protected from frost with plastic tunnels.

In direct sowing in the soil, the amount of seed required is very variable (4 g/m2), covering the seed with a layer of mulch 3-4 cm thick.

burying the seed is sown at 1.5 cm in rows 25 cm each. Germinate at 21 days or so. Stocking density depends on the type of bulb. Plantar

every 10-15 cm bulbs in rows 25-30 cm.Cambiar in spring to a separation of 15 cm between rows and 25. Cut half of the leaves before planting and do not put too buried specimens.


plantar Nothing else has to make the first irrigation. Be watered every 15 to 20 days. In the second planting to do more risks as it is in spring-summer and late summer to autumn onions grow in winter and spring and have more moisture per se, need less watering. The lack of irrigation at the end of the process makes you better keep the bulb, for which we will of water 15 or 30 days prior to pick them up. Be watered when the weather is dry but you have to let the bulbs when they are formed and the leaves begin to curl downwards.

is very sensitive to excessive moisture, because sudden changes can cause cracking of the bulbs. If irrigated eventually retain much worse.


Due to the short roots of the onion must be thoroughly clean the weeds to get a better harvest. They have to make repeated weeding to aerate the Terran, disrupt the capillary and eliminate weeds. The first has to be done when the plants have reached 10 cm in height, the other when necessary.

Other work :

clarify when the plants are large enough to be manipulated.


cabaret but must be careful that the roots do not suffer. The exchange to repeat this crop has to be less than 3 years and for best results are on land that had not previously used.

Collection :

The duraccion crop is 80 to 150 days. Bulbs are collected when they have grown enough and be saved you have to wait until the top is dry, the soil is raked and dried onions in the sun.

collection is done in summer when the leaves start to yellow.

Conservation :

When gathering is to take away the roots and leaves are woven together to form strings, hang dry and ventilated for good conservation. They can be kept stacked in a height of 80 cm thick, isolated from soil in dry and ventilated. For better preservation should ideally have low temperatures, dry and well ventilated.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Check If Cologne Is Fake

is a vegetable of the same family as the potato, eggplant and tomato (Solanaceae) which can be grown in a garden, a garden and even in pots on terrace, one need only note that needs sun.
is a shrub that can vary between 50 cm high and 2 meters invernadero.Hay some varieties of many types of peppers in terms of shapes (oblong, 3 or 4 peaks, square, squat, etc.), colors (red, green, yellow) and flavors (sweet or hot varieties varieties).



need to have enough light, it should be planted in full sun requires a warm or temperate climate and can not stand frost in autumn and winter can be planted in greenhouses. To germinate and grow needs at least 15 degrees and to flourish and be a minimum of 18 grade levels between 20 and 26 the best possible temperature. But

are well protected and suffers during flowering temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees is too small and can have defects. So in areas of cold is recommended to protect them with plastic tunnels to supply enough heat for their care.


You must have a humidity of between 50 and 70%. If the humidity is higher out diseases in the tops of the plant and makes fertilization and if lower, during summer, with high temperatures falling flower and fruit fresh.

Floor: Need

loose and sandy soil (not clay or heavy), deep, rich in organic matter and good drainage. If you have a lot of water and root rot fungi are generated. Sowing


seed is sown at a depth of 2-3 mm between February and March, must be taken not to plant them close together and in individual containers can be to keep out the very small and weak plants, germinate between 8 and 20 days.


When the seedlings are about 15 cm in height after about two months after planting, with about 5 or 6 leaves, should be planted in lines with a separation of 40 to 50 cm between plants and 60 to 70 lineas.Antes cm between planting is to dig the ground to orearla and give back to the earth worm smoke, manure or compost at a rate of 3 kilos per square meter.

Some varieties can take away the central bud to take out some side branches and the plant becomes larger.

In the greenhouse should be allowed a separation of 50 cm between plants and 1 m between the lines, if the plants are medium in size and the type of pruning is possible to increase the density of the population to 2 ½ to 3 plants plants square meter. Rotation


field can not be repeated or after other plants of the same family as tomatoes, eggplants or potatoes because they share diseases.

Subscriber :

With the addition of compost and manure is more than enough initial But if we look more performance añadorle 40 grams of fertilizer per plant to be distributed in two injections of 20 grams in the crop cycle, ie split it twice.

weeding :

have to weed and you have to make contributions of land to the trunk of the plant.

is important to reinforce the base and encourages the development of root system.

Irrigation: Water

with little water but can withstand constant as well without Aguna time. The ideal would be to drip irrigation is recommended at least as wet spray fruits and leaves and fungi out.

staking :

guardians must bring them to prevent the ground to lie or break the stems are very fragile at the nodes by the weight of the fruit.
gases are arranged in horizontal and other vertical wires where they are guided by the plant when it grows and so can reach 2 meters or more in height.


is done to limit the number of stems that are going to have the plant, must have 2 or 3.

The ideal way is to have a main stem on a cross and take two or tress branches and continue branching hata the end of the cycle, branching stems secundaris after several leaves and so forth is repeated throughout the plant.

When the plant is pruned branches to make 2 or 3 main branches by removing the leaves and buds that are below the cross.
is also important to remove leaves, or those with disease symptoms. When the plant is in its final cycle can be a trimming of plants and rinsing of the leaves to help mature the fruits that remain.


A plant can be given between 12 and 15 fruits at harvest, which occurs between June and September, which amounts to a kilo and a half or two kilos per meter square. Earlier plants will be ready between 50 and 60 days after transplanting and tardies may hold more than 3 months.

can be picked green, depends on the variety, but before you start to mature. Also you can catch mature but that requires immediate consumption or to keep roasts to be caught when they have taken color. Another option is to use as a condiment for what is left to dry in a dry place.
If you collect a little green plant more fruit to take out what the harvest will increase. The collection is made with scissors, leaving a corner of 2 to 3 cm.
spoil relatively quickly. In a cool retained 20 to 30 days at 0 º C.

Seed production :

is a hermaphrodite plant has an annual cycle, to remove the seeds are left off and strong healthy plants until they finish maturing. Once removed and cleaned spread and dried and stored. They can be kept for 3 to 4 years.

Monday, March 9, 2009