Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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green beans come from Peru and America and is of the legume family. A variety of Jewish dwarf shrub or vine. Are green beans that are used not only seed but also the green for consumption. In the bower of green beans 2 meters are a guardian to take 2 to 2.5 meters high to grow by. Pods are caught with 4 or 6 inmaduras.La seed pod may have different shapes, line, ray, curved or double curved. The section of the sheath may be flat, round, rope-shaped or figure-eight and seeds may be kidney shaped, oval, round or truncated. In addition the fruit may be green, yellow mottled with brown, spotted with red or green. Variety


They come early, mid or late cycle. Within the green pod are: dwarf blunder (section flat, mid-cycle, short stature), jumbo (curves, non-threaded, green beans, small size, mid-cycle), kora (pods slightly curved, non-threaded, green beans for fresh consumption and industry), mocha (pods straight, elliptical grains), bobby (green , oblong, round, purple beans, are also called superviolet and superba), drag (Valencia, green, elongated, kidney-shaped beans), horseshoe (curved pods, also called Garrafal de la Hoz), contend (early, for industry and for fresh consumption), air good (section flattened sheath, also called Perona's name), gold blunder (section flattened, very sharp sickle, shelter), perfection (tubular section, crushed grains), Dutch (strands, remains).
Also the sheath is of a different color : buttery yellow (lard in beans, yellow stands for), Rheingold (synonym: Wonder of Venice, yellow pod very wide and flat), blunder and Algiers (sickle less marked than Garrafal Gold), Buenos Aires red pod (section flattened, large, flattened pods.)


you like soft, wet weather, the best results are calidos.Si weather the temperature is below 15 degrees are in the form of crochet, between 12 and 15 is too strong and if it passes 30 degrees is malformed pods. Should not be done growing until the soil is not warm enough, between about 8 and 10 degrees. They are very vulnerable to frost and will give better than previously taken into pots inside.


The best soils are well drained light soil rich in organic matter. In clay soils, calcareous or saline is difficult to be in, break down easily with the flooding and over-watering can be spoiling them.

Sowing :

should be sown in rows 60 and 20 inches between plants. 2 o3 sown seed with a separation of 15 cm, were covered with 2 or 3 inches of soil or sand. Not germinate in cold soil or frost, wait for it to warm enough. The shrub type is planted every 2 or 3 weeks until the end of summer and spring climbing. You have to put some guidelines for trepadorascon staves that have to be about 45 centimeters separating the bean plant will grow by the rod in a counterclockwise direction clock.
The plants that grow in pots do not give good results. The first pods are white flowers in 7 or 8 days is the sheath. In spring planting is done outside the greenhouse, you can put a polythene tunnel before the earth to warm. To make a staggered collection must be planted every 2 to 3 weeks until July.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

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Of prey and classification has


Verbal Dyspraxia:
- joint problems.
- Talk courageous and a little fluid. Programming

Phonological Deficit:
- slurred speech, although fluent.
- Significant improvement at school age.

Auditory Verbal Agnosia
- Serious difficulties in understanding language.
- Better understanding of symbolic gestures.
- Problem very rare in childhood.

Phonological Syntactic Deficit:
- Articulation and phonological difficulties.
- morphosyntactic difficulties.
- More severe problems of speech comprehension.


Deficit Syntactic Lexicon:
- Difficulties lexical, morphological and word recall.
- Normal morphological and syntactic development. Semantic Pragmatic Deficit

- Problems uncharacteristic of the rest of the TEL.
- Speak fluent and intelligible.
- Problems pragmatic and inferential comprehension of language.

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RSL: Simple Language Delay

- specific symptoms:
Child has a delayed onset or development at all levels of language (phonological, morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic), which mainly affects the expression and to a lesser extent, the understanding , although this is due to a pervasive developmental disorder, or hearing impairment or neurological disorders. " The emergence of language and expression is later than usual, and develops slowly and out of step with what is expected of a child of that chronological age.
language delay would be a temporary condition, with little or no impact on learning of written language, with its core symptomatic disorder of phonology with a more or less severe involvement of the syntax, and speculated pathophysiological causal factor would be a delay of maturation.
- Another conceptual precision is important to do, is the distinction between language disorder itself, and speech disorder.
- In very general and very simple to understand and DISORDER LANGUAGE SPOKEN:
Disorders "Talk" focuses on the quality of articulation and sound production.
language disorders are related to production and understanding of messages.

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TEL: Conceptual clarification

1. The TEL is a very common disorder, even in mild forms are not always diagnosed properly.
2. The late onset of speech is often an indicator of language ability.
3. Major discrepancies on IQ of children with SLI.
4. Speech difficulties are different from language disorders.
5. Reading and learning can be affected in children with SLI (40 to 70%).
6. The TEL can be diagnosed fairly accurately, especially after 5 years.
7. The condition may be genetic and it is possible also to consider the environmental factor, still under study.
8. The nature of the problem limits the exposure of children with SLI in language.
9. The intervention should begin during the preschool years. A better prognosis younger.

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What is TEL? Some definitions

Compendium Conceptual:

"severe disorders of language acquisition and processing" (Elvira Mendoza)
replaces other terms such as:
- Alalia.
- Audiomudez
- verbal congenital deafness.
- developmental aphasia.
- Dysphasia, etc. Gradually

has been restricting the field to define the disorder.

TEL: ASHA: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (1980) Abnormal

Acquisition or Expression, Understanding of spoken or written language. The problem may involve all, one or more of the components-phonological, morphological, semantic, pragmatic-Language System.
usually present problems of language processing or abstraction of significant information storage and retrieval of memory.

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What is TEL?

There are several explanations of what constitutes an SLI (Specific Language Disorder). There are conceptual disputes between authors. Here we review a summary of the latest definitions, including tell us what the decree with which we work, in this case Exempt Decree 1300/2002. Indeed part explaining what the latter says:

Exempt Decree 1300/2002 Art.10:
"means children with TEL those with late onset or slow development of speech that is not explained by an auditory sensory or motor deficits, mental deficiency, mental diseases and disorders by massive development, social deprivation or emotional injury or brain dysfunction evident. The TEL is classified as expressive and mixed (receptive-expressive). TEL Expressive

The show is based on the following criteria diagnosis:
i. The scores obtained by conducting expressive language development, standardized, individually administered, are substantially below those obtained from standardized measures of receptive language development. The disorder may manifest clinically by some of the following symptoms, which may coexist or occur independently. These include word production errors, inability to use speech sounds appropriate for his age, a limited vocabulary, making errors in tense, or having difficulty recalling words or producing phrases of length or complexity of developmental level of the child.
ii. The difficulties with expressive language interfere with academic achievement or social communication.
iii. Not meet criteria for disorder Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder or generalized. The TEL Mixed

are evidenced by the following diagnostic criteria: i.
The scores obtained by a battery of developmental assessments of receptive-expressive language, standardized, individually administered, are lower than expected for the age of the child. Symptoms include their own expressive language disorder, and problems to understand words, phrases, or specific types of words, such as spatial terms.
ii. The shortcomings of receptive and expressive language significantly interfere with academic achievement or social communication.
iii. Not meet criteria for pervasive developmental disorder. "

Saturday, May 2, 2009

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Fragaria vesca

Strawberries are perennial grasses and stoloniferous in the Rosaceae family. The stem is called a conical crown. The bloom is long, its flowers are hermaphrodite and are pollinated by wind or insects. Strawberries are produced continuously from January. Y4 last 3 years before having to discard them for new plants. Cycle

strawberry (strawberry and strawberry)

- In Winter (strawberry and strawberry)

growth is for short days and low temperatures.

- In Spring (strawberry and strawberry)

days lengthen and temperatures rise slightly and resumed growth of the strawberry.

- In Summer (strawberry and strawberry):

The days are longer and higher temperatures, the plant grows and makes the runners.

- Fall (strawberry and strawberry) are

the days shorten and temperatures drop, slowly freezes growth, with accumulation of reserves in the roots. Begins to bear flowers. Growing


The strawberry is well suited to any climate, holds up to 6 degrees starting to die at -12 degrees and being your ideal temperature of 18 to 22 degrees day and night between 10 and 13 degrees.
If the temperature drops below 12 degrees the fruit is deformed and a warm temperature gives a red ripe fruit and very quickly they will not let you increase the strawberry tamaño.El however needs to give enough fruit cold (temperatures below 7 degrees). Soil


need a sandy soil rich in humus and of equal depth throughout the crop. Survive in any type of soil that has good drainage. Ensuring that has no active limestone as the yellow fruit. To prevent biological agents that could damage our plantation as fungi or bacteria can disinfect the floor and putting plastic polyethylene plants planting holes to avoid being affected, having done that need to be watered abundantly. The plastic should be kept for 30 days, but if you put in hot weather. This will reduce fungi and other parasites. Turn can be covered with tunnels longitus 2 meters in arcs from 6 to 8 mm in diameter for greenhouse and deceive the plant to increase the harvest.


must be planted in early summer, the space inside the plants should be 45 cm and between rows 69 to 90 cm. Be watered at the plantation wealth.


may be watered by drip, tape or exudation perforadads to better manage the risks because they distribute the water evenly throughout the row. Not support the salinity of the water (1 gram per liter is excessive). Payment


need organic matter, manure needs, 3 kg per square meter, well decomposed when preparing the soil, preventing the chickens or pigeons which are very acidic. 15 before collection must be left unpaid.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

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Strawberries Lettuce Peas

Pisum sativum

peas have been grown for centuries in Europe, although its origin is the Middle East, of the legume family, is an annual herb vine. The leaves have pairs of leaflets and tangled around their guardians for growth.
The fruit is a pod of 5 to 10 inches and each pod usually 4 to 10 seeds that vary in size and color depending on the variety (usually tend to be green) to which they belong.
can be eaten with or without pods.

green peas can be eaten with or without pods. Which are eaten pods and seeds are called sugar peas. When they are tender with a sweet taste and can be eaten raw. Variety


According to the period lasting fruit maturation may be early, middle and late.

- Negret (plant size dwarf, slightly curved pods, round grain with a smooth surface but with dimples, for greening and industry).

- Halo (dwarf plant, smooth round dimpled grain, canned, frozen and market).

- Lincoln (average height, slightly curved pod, grain and rough cylindrical, green onions, canning and freezing).

- Volunteer (average height, slightly curved pods, large oval, smooth, dimpled, green onions).

- Asterix (average height, slightly curved pods with truncated tip, dark green, cylindrical grain rough).

- Allegro (early cycle, plant medium height, smooth round bead with dimples).

- Phone (grain-size oval rough because the pods are highly developed, especially in low-bearing plants, greening, there are submanifolds of Booths).

- TV (curved sheath with pointed tip, dark green, oblong irregular grain and rough skin, spring onions and freezing).

- snow peas (English, is eaten pod and grain curved sheath very long, coarse smooth oval dimpled, also called "cappuccino").

- Cometodo (Mangetout) yellow pod (cometodo butter, smooth oval dimpled grain).


can withstand low temperatures, including frosts, can hold up to -3 or -4 degrees below zero. Grow worse if temperatures are less than 7 degrees being optimum growth temperature between 16 t 20 degrees Celsius.


The soil should not be too wet or clay, although it has to be moist, not too much because they rot the seeds. In calcareous soils may have problems of chlorosis, yellowing. Waves does not require much work, the soil must be aerated.

Sowing :

is grown in winter or spring. In some places it is sown in autumn and harvested in late spring and can also be sown in January or February and harvested in early summer.

is planted in rows or tables, is best done in tables where a variety of vining because it is easier to make the tutor, to create these pictures can prepare the ground with a rake.

is sown at a depth of 4 to 5 inches, use 100 to 200 kilos per hectare. Launched seed and they should leave a line spacing of 30 to 40 centimeters.

The plant can be measured according to the shorter range of 30 to 45 inches and the longest from 50 to 80 inches have to be guided by a tutor.

mature in late May to late June. Need a furrow 15 cm wide and 5 cm deep, and a distance of 5 cm between seeds. You can make plants on trays and passed into the garden when the weather is milder.


should be watered when the weather is dry when the plant has flowers and pods.

Subscriber :

do not need to pay it with manure and organic matter does not need much nor mineral fertilizers. Weeds


weeds must be removed regularly. Tutoring


should be guided with a cane when they go out the first tendrils.


have to pick the pods before they are very fibrous. A row will give at least three crops. When collecting just cut the plants and stop breaking down roots, it enriches the soil with nitrogen for further planting.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

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Lactuca sativa is a plant of the family of the compound without knowing very well put their home some botanical origin Italy but not agree. In small plants were originally bitter taste. There are two main types that differ in single sheets or in the form of buds.
Possibly the most popular type is a bud, the iceberg, followed by Roman and leaves.


are categorized by the way:

- Lactuca sativa long leaves with entire margins and midrib marked.
- Roman or Mule Ear
- Baby.

- Lactuca sativa, variety capitata as tight bud with leaves.

- Batavia.
- Trocadero.
- Great Lakes.
- Iceberg.

- Lactuca sativa, variety intybácea. Blades cut loose, reddish.

- Lollo rossa.
- Red Salade.

- Lactuca sativa, variety angustana takes them only because the stem is tender and juicy but it has to be done before bloom.

also can be classified into:

- Fall Lettuce
Spring Lettuce - Lettuce
summer - winter lettuce
- Minilechugas

needs a cool climate, should be planted in early spring or late summer, because they do not grow at high temperatures, the taste can be bitter and flowers are formed on the stem. Soil


have to be rich in organic matter, pH neutral and permeable. Land


It must be a subscriber uniform and planting every 15 days to always have fresh lettuce. Depending on the irrigation system we use we will use a crop to another, if watered with a hose must define the soil with a small elevation to stall a little water and the lettuce was placed at a span of one and two between rows, if on the contrary we irrigate by flooding must be made and planted ridges on one side of the ridge. Sowing


seedlings are made and when we can bring the plants into the garden planted in rows of 30 cm between plants and rows.
Seeds lettuce require light to grow, not have to cover the earth but must be put in contact with the ground, they must have moisture.
They always use fresh seeds and should not be saving much time can be saved for planting in autumn seed was packaged under vacuum in a refrigerator. Irrigation


have to water twice a week, much more frequently over the leaves develop but must be lightweight. If watered too may have rust on the leaves.


If the leaves are tied whiten and will be more tender, must be four or five days before removing.


The duration of the crop is 20 to 90 days even in summer is 20 days. You can remove the leaves of the plant instead of whole strategy to be more tender. Flowering stem in long days of warm temperatures, when it begins to form you can take and store in the refrigerator. If you can remove the bitter taste labando leaves and keep them in the refrigerator a couple of days.

Monday, April 20, 2009

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other professionals do not want to make our educational work

I take the liberty to publish a copy of a letter which I received by email. If someone else can spread it, the better.


Letter in Defense of the Status of Teachers

Let me freedom to express myself now as a student of 5 th year of the course of Bachelor in Education and Education in Visual Arts UMCE respect of Article of Law General Education empowering graduates and other professionals for teaching, and that conflict is in essence quite clear, we live in a country of extremes, which is passed abruptly from the repression of debauchery, where there are no terms media talks about improving education and I feel fantastic teacher assessment, but where is the assessment of the family? The other pillar of education and that teachers had to assume and expand its work to replace the stage forming of parents who do not stop to educate their children.

talks about improving education and the teaching careers open any home studio, with registration requirements rather questionable, did we forget and pedagogies express?, talks about improving education and salaries to the faculty aims are frankly an insult, you insult the students who have already lost all respect for their own parent proxies insult you blame the teachers have lost control of their children, society insults you for being a second-class professional. Tell me then what incentive is there for good scores PSU entering teaching careers?, What person wants to live to work 44 hours a week at a college to earn $ 420,000?, Not to mention the extra hours devoted to preparing material teaching, proofreading, building assessment tools, etc. hours are removed to leave, the family and further training.

remember the speech of many university teachers talking about teaching is an act of love, but of course it is an act of love, only love makes you sublimate reality, idealizing the people and believe you're really changing the world, contributing to building a better society.

Then turn on the television just after zero hour, and I see the interview with mr. Jaime Gajardo in the program last look, where the journalist dismantles the entire statement by the representative union, according to accuse him to be defending plots of teachers' work, would not have done it long ago the pharmaceutical chemist? Is it not legitimate to defend your work?, But above all stressed the approach that Mr Gajardo could not express well (before the interruption of the period) and that is not enough to know what is taught, we must know how to teach, so trains teachers in Chile, at the University who presented with greater pride, no sir, I do not study "Pebblegogy" I study in the UMCE and spent four years attending classes in parallel with teacher training and specialty classes.

well I dare say that the great problem of education is, however sad it may sound, a problem of money, how to improve education? Simple, loading them the salaries of teachers, apply best scores to teaching careers, the rest is given by logic, how to improve the quality of education? Simple, reduce the number of students per course, they cease to be 45 please ring or they can serve 45 children, each with problems and needs, not to mention the students 'integration' that require specific attention imagine graduates know perfectly, engineers, doctors and all the myriad of professionals "Higher" than in theory come to teach us how to do our job, to come to speak of behaviorism and constructivism, assessment tools, models and approaches to learning, guidance.

I am absolutely sure how much they want all teachers to make students very knowledgeable about the specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge to manage, teach them to appreciate poetry, science, history, but unfortunately they must first address what the family has neglected, when children and young people attend school unwashed, unshaven, uncombed, dirty clothes, shoes unpolished, not to mention vocabulary, they have not had breakfast, have a family member in prison, they are surrounded by the most appalling flaws of our society, then what is the priority? I mention this because the scenario is logical, better qualified teachers are no classes in establishments of the above characteristics, seeking particular sector and subsidized, paid better and more pleasant work environment, who can not access them, they must conform with the public sector, with social risk, with the worst scenario is the sad reality of the teacher who discourages, not perfect, supporting a family with a miserable salary. Where is

the call then? clear that he is there, but we also have to eat, we must also live, and the bread of teaching, frankly becoming increasingly bitter, I mean the son, grandson and nephew of teachers such as Mr Warken Nicanor Parra, citing in his column, let your voice day after day in the classroom, all chosen profession with the highest of vocations and have worked with quality, do not fear the educational evaluation, but require a minimum of respect as the professionals they are.

Atte. Felipe José Ramírez Godoy


Saturday, April 11, 2009

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Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum

the potato is an annual species of the Solanaceae family originating in the Andes that reproduces by underground tubers are stalks. These are the comestivle tubers of the potato. A growing buds are called eyes.


can bake, broil, fry, put in salads, make purees, soups, etc ... also be used for dextrin, glucose, starch, etc ... addition to animal feed.
also has a medicinal value, protecting the liver and gallbladder, is used to stimulate digestion and acts as a diuretic, that is, as a scavenger of liquids, other than to lower cholesterol and fat blood, also has content in insulin diabetics benefit by limiting the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Variety: Are the

extratempranos (from 15 January to 15 April), early (from 15 April to 15 June), half of season (from June 15 the 30 th September) and tardies (30 September to 15 January).
The early extratempranos and are immature and can be peeled with a fingernail once cooked.
varieties of potatoes can be by the color of the skin ( red, yellow, white ) or the flesh color (yellow or white). Skin may be
smooth or rough , buds can be surface or sunken , can also distinguish different ways in the tuber that can be cylindrical, oval-shaped or round . All this determines the differences between the 1500 varieties that exist. Yellow

- Etoile du Leon (yellow skin and white flesh, smooth surface, surface buds, young, good cooking quality, grown in Valencia and other Mediterranean areas).
- Jaerla (skin and yellow flesh, smooth skin "eyes" = Bud surface tubérculosovales round, early, good cooking quality.)
- Bintje (yellow skin and flesh, smooth skin, shallow eyes, medium-early, elongated oval tubers, large, good quality both in developing chips and cooked).
- Claustar (skin and yellow flesh, smooth surface, shallow eyes, medium-early, oval round tubers, buenacalidad for consumption, keeping).
- Eureka (skin and yellow flesh, oval tubers, shallow eyes, large, medium-early).
- Kennebec (yellowish white skin, white flesh, shallow eyes, white skin, large tubers, medium-early).
- Marfona (skin and yellow flesh, whites, yolks, semi-deep, smooth skin, can be semitempranaque medium late, large tubers, good cooking).
- Monalisa (skin and yellow flesh, large oval tubers, shallow eyes, medium-early).
- Royal Kidney (yellow, smooth, white flesh, large eyes surface cultivadaen Balearic and Canary Islands for export).
- Spunta (clear yellow flesh and skin, kidney-jarring large tubers, smooth skin, shallow eyes, good quality, medium-early, cultivated in Castilla y León).
- Obelix (yellow skin, light yellow flesh, skin semilisa).
- Arran Banner (light yellow skin and white flesh, round tubers somewhat flattened, deep sunken eyes, medium-early cycle, spring and summer collection that can reach semi-late cycle, harvest in summer and autumn, widespread cultivation in northern deEspaña).
- Agria (skin and yellow flesh, smooth skin, sunken buds, elongated cylindrical tubers).
- King Edward (yellow skin and white flesh, shallow eyes with a slight reddish pigmentation, oval tubers, widely cultivated in the Canary Islands).
- Alfa (yellow skin and flesh, rough, somewhat sunken eyes, thick tubers, medium late).
- Baraka (yellow skin and flesh, tubers large elongated oval type, late maturing, good quality). White

- Pentland (skin and white flesh, round oval tubers, shallow eyes, medium late).
- Xantia (skin and white flesh, smooth skin, egg surface, irregular round shape).
- Friesland (skin and white flesh, smooth skin, sunken eyes, round). Rojas

- Condor (red skin and pale yellow flesh, shallow eyes, oval, medium-early to medium late).
- Red Pontiac (red skin and white flesh, tubers rounded, sunken eyes, medium-early, good quality for consumption).
- Desiree (red skin smooth, light yellow flesh, elongated oval tubers large, medium late, for baking and frying).
- Asterix (red skin, light yellow flesh, rough surface).

- Achat.
- Álava.
- Arka.
- Attica.
- Aura.
- Bartin.
- Belladonna.
- Bella de Fontenay.
- Bimonda.
- Blanka.
- Cantata.
- Cardinal.
- Duquesa.
- Fábula.
- Furore.
- Geld.
- Gineke.
- Goya.
- Heida.
- Inca.
- Kingston.
- Maica.
- Majestic.
- Worldwide.
- Nicola.
- Olalla.
- Olinda.
- Ostara.
- Palogan.
- Rosalie.
- Sergen.
- Turia.
- Up-to-date.
- Urgent.
- Victor. Temperatures


is sensitive to late frosts it delays the start of the tubers and decreases the production is small tubers. On the contrary if it is too high to affect tuber formation and pests and diseases can develop.

should not be planted in stony or compact because it was formed while the tuber, it requires a well-aerated soil and fluffy, is a plant that can withstand salinity. Sowing


To make hybrids and new seed varieties are used. To plant potatoes can get another crop of potatoes that are cut. If small pieces are used for livestock. To plant the ground must have a temperature above 7 degrees and depends on the date of planting area. When planted in colder areas planted in late spring or early summer and can be collected in October or November. And if it is hot weather are planted in spring. For the early
less land is needed and will come in early summer. The earliest departing between 0:14 weeks, the following among the fifteen and eighteen weeks and normal between eighteen and twenty weeks.
It must plant whole tubers weighing more than 30 grams but also can be cut up into two equal-sized pieces with the same number of buds. Plantation


is made with small tubers or pieces of potato with two or three buds facing up making a hole in the ground and leaving it aired. We will have to leave a meter between the rows, with a depth of 7 to 8 cm and leaving a separation of 20 centimeters.
You can put the tubers in trays for 6 weeks prior to spring planting. Irrigation


The best method to irrigate potatoes is the spray dry land but can hold water and will appreciate having the highest number of tubers, but not be over water when they go out or when tubers appears flower and can be harmful because it reduces the felucca and can make it vulnerable to some diseases. It can strengthen the root if left without much water when making the tuber.

fertilization :

preferably with organic fertilizer that can be served with compost in large quantities.


Weeds are detrimental to the potato.

Other work :

clumps are broken before harvesting the tubers as they help to fatten the tubers.


potato cycle from 3 to 6 months depending on when you plant and climate. Potatoes are started when the flowers open. With more tardies must wait the stem is brown. We must save them in a dark, dry place so they do not sprout. We must do a rotation every 5 years to avoid some parasites.

Monday, April 6, 2009

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Garlic Potatoes Carrots

Daucus carota The carrot is a vegetable hard biennial Umbelliferae family originated in central Asia, Afghanistan. It grows thick root that grows in the growing season. Biannual


To complete the cycle takes two years but in the carrot root is used only in a few months so collected. The first year is a root and a few leaves. In the rest period and grows a short stem flowers are formed in the second season. Carrot flowers are white.

Using carrot :

can be eaten raw or cooked, you can scratch, chopping, juicing or cooking them whole. Can be stored in winter. Have more nutritional value in soups, stews and salads. Are high in fiber and sugar and is high in vitamin A.

carrot Types:

-Large, can be eaten cooked or raw.
-Long and fine packaging.
-Manojillo, are tender and sweet to eat them fresh. Variety


- Parisian (root radius, early).
- Rondo (drift of Paris).
- Amsterdam (cylindrical, thin, medium-long).
- Chantenay (elongated conical, sometimes with red heart, hold on to cracking).
- Guerande (short taper).
- Little (fine roots, a finger).
- Nantes (elongated cylindrical).
- Flakee (more elongated than Nantes, blunt end).
- Mallorquina (early, slightly greenish neck).
- Antares (cylindroconical, resistant to breakage.)
- Long Imperator (deep orange, root long).
- San Valery (long, big and pointy).
- Tip-Top (early, drifting from Nantes).
- Danvers (U.S., similar to the chatenay).
- Carson F1 (hybrid type chatenay).
- Nippon (hybrid type Nantes).
- Tino F1 (type Nantes). Growing


grow slowly, can be planted alongside other short cycle such as lettuce. It is a biennial plant, the first year are removed and the second raics flourish and get the fruit. Can be planted in sandy soil in anticipation.


Ideally, planting in temperate climates with a minimum temperature of 9 degrees and opima 16 to 18 degrees. Supports up to 5 frost and freezing temperatures above the age of 28. Soil


The best soil is aerated soil, clayey, deep and it does not dry very quickly.
prefers soils rich in organic matter. Solid floors are thinner carrots and small and at risk of rotting in the water. If the soil is rocky out deformed if the soil has a lot of organic waste out raies corky.
not have to repeat the field where it was grown in 4 or 5 years.
are recommended as previous crops tomato, leek and onion.

land preparation:

have to make a first pass deep (moldboard) and a more superficial grower. Must be plowed so that this airy, no lumps or organic debris for good root formation. They are typically used plateaus of 1.5 meters and 4 bands of planting. Sowing


must choose the different varieties according reccolectarlas anytime. Grow best when planted in spring. Those that are planted in midsummer small and sweet is collected in autumn.
The seed is pulled over the ground and rises from 10 to 15 days, if performed in various crops can be collected in various crops. Can not be planted until the soil is 5 degrees.
varieties that come before it takes 7 to 10 days to leave, the normal 10 to 16 days.
are seeded to 1 inch of depth to 15 separate centimentros away, every 2 or 3 weeks. The soil must be moist but not flooded.
The plants have to be 8 cm between them. If you are going to sow broadcast is throwing it to throw 80 grams of seed per area, so the distandia between plants is 15 x 20 centimeters.
germinate best in warm, moist soil, this can be achieved with plastic covering the row of carrots.

If planting is done at random, will be used by area about 80 g of seed, leaving the final distance between plants of 15 x 20 cm, which suggests that if they remain at distances of less need to proceed to the thinning of plants and leaves when the first plants have emerged.

Irrigation: Irrigation

need enough in summer, especially in dry soil. Weeds


is very sensitive to competition, it is imperative to remove them at first. Can be removed with a hoe be careful and do a deep cleaning to avoid damaging the roots.


, harvested before it is completed (up to 5 cm in diameter). The period for the collection ranges from 3 to 7 months depending on variety and time of year be planted. Beware the strategic and clean the land. Can be harvested at various times of the year. Have to be collected before they are ripe because the very large have less flavor.
Those that are planted in summer can be left until the first frost. Straw can be placed to catch them even if the land is frozen because of the cold preserved. Conservation


can be stored in refrigerator, in a hold buried in moist sand or a garden in a pit covered with straw. You can save between 4 to 6 months with cut leaves, because although the leaves can be eaten take away moisture and nutrients. You can freeze if it is sterilized.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Making A Wood Carving Bench

Allium sativum Liliaceae plant native to Asia, from there to Egypt, Rome and thence to Europe. Later the English brought to America. The most common is white, although there is also pink or purple and small or large. It is a bulbous root that is named head of about 10 to 12 teeth, the plant usually grows from 30 to 40 cm, with massive leaves. They do not usually have flowers, they may have shaped teeth are white or pink, are grouped in umbels.

Each flower has 6 white petals, 6 stamens and a pistil.
Each garlic is covered with a white membrane or other red varieties.
has medicinal properties very rich in minerals, sulfur, enzymes and vitamins. The leaf buds are eaten and are called garlic.

varieties of garlic:

- common White (wrap silver teeth, late, eaten dry).
- Rosa early (wrap rosacea teeth, consume tender, early).
- Red (red wrapper, the pigment becomes red teeth, teeth thick and short, earlier than whites). Growing


He likes light soil. We must prepare the ground 6 months before planting plowing about 30 to 35 cm followed by a cross tracked and credited with organic fertilizers. In places with little irrigation are planted on ridges that can be done with hoe or high moldboard plows.
grooves must have a width of 50 cm and 20 cm between bulbs and 20 to 25 cm between rows. The depth depends on the size of garlic, 2 to 4 cm. Sowing


order not to dehydrate you have to reel off the bulbs 5 or 10 days before planting, saving not serve to sow shelled. It takes 700 kilos of bulbs to plant one hectare. The Planting must be done from the crescent moon ever because the garlic can leave the earth in a few days.
in planting is to plant the seed tip up. The largest teeth must be put at a distance of 10 cm and the medium to a distance of 8 cm.
should be covered with a layer of 4 or 5 cm. Teeth must be planted in holes of 8 cm deep and a separation of 15 to 20 centimeters. Can be planted in pots, one in every pot and transplanted in spring.
have to be planted in the fall so they are very cold weeks.
When you have planted is watering, pouring water slowly. Avoid waterlogged and does not exceed the groove to avoid creating scabs in the plant.

Irrigation: Water should be

the first 6 irrigations every 15 to 25 days. After the first watering to be done after ten days a light watering to fertilize the seeds that have not yet SAILD.
When you start to do good must be watered more often, every 8 or 10 days. 15 or 20 days prior to harvest should be done the last irrigation.

Although garlic should not be watered too often, being the best that are planted in dry land, you must remove the weeds for better development. Subscriber


is very sensitive to the amount of fertilizer used, never have to use excess or by default. We must prepare the ground for a good crop. You have to use organic fertilizer on the ground uniformly mature well before planting. Work


It must be 3 or 4 crops to remove weeds, keep moisture, have the ground soft and better filtering of irrigation water. Ensuring that the bars do not harm the roots. You have to weed.


harvested in June or July. We have to wait 8 months to collect the fruits of autumn planting and 4 for the spring collection. Must be collected in good weather when the leaves are dry. In loose terrain can remove the bulbs by pulling the leaves, the compact is to use blades sapper, Legon.
plants can be left on the ground for 4 or 5 days, then collected and made strings for storage in a dry and ventilated. You can save some bulbs to plant next year.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wendy Calio Descuidos

Lycopersicum esculentum

is a plant of the Solanaceae family originating Southwest America.Es an annual plant, it can sometimes last more than a year in the field. The stems are slightly angular, semi-ligneous medium weight (close to 4 cm at the base) and with simple and glandular trichomes.

Leaves medium to large (10 to 50 cm), alternate, petiolate, bipinatisectas (with leaflets further divided) and numerous simple and glandular trichomes.

Frutos :

The fruit can be round, oblate or pear-shaped. The tomato fruit produced from tiny cherry-sized, to huge fruit up to 750 gr. Most varieties are red, but there are also orange, yellow, pink and even. It has a high water content and is rich in vitamin A and C.

tomato quality standards :

distinguishes 4 types of tomatoes:

- Round smooth.

- ribbed.

- Elongated.

- cherry tomatoes (cherry) and cocktail (motif).

There are 3 categories, depending on the quality of the fruit:

- Extra.

- First.

- Second.

species and varieties of tomato :

- Tomato "beef" (especially for salads).
- Marmande Tomato (fruit of a ribbed, flat and multilocular).
- Vernon Tomato (fruit smooth, slightly crushed, colored differently. It is a French hybrid, resistant to mosaic disease.)
- Tomato Moneymaker (in the Canary Islands and Alicante, export destination. He is known in Spain and Canary tomato or smooth. Winter Season).
- Tomato Muchamiel (ribbed, large fruit).
- Tomato Late Pomet (slightly ribbed, floury flesh reminiscent of apple.)
- Tomato Rome (Italian variety canned peeled tomatoes, small fruits or trilocular bi, pear-shaped, uniform size of fruit) (there are varieties resistant to two major diseases: Fusarium and Verticillium).
- Pear Tomato (used increasingly in the canning industry for peeled tomatoes.)
- San Marzano Tomato (currently used in the canning industry for peeled tomatoes, pear type).
- Tomato Cocktail (small fruits, for industrial or concentrated tomato puree, chopped as a garnish for meat or fish).
- Tomato cherry (cherry tomatoes, small size, fitting, long-life in the bush. Cherry tomato).
- Tomato bouquet (sold as a bunch of fruit.)
- Tomato smooth (comprising a plurality of varieties, industry).
- Ballon Rouge Tomate (smooth).
- Hybrid Cintra (smooth).
- Hybrid Pyros (smooth).
- Hybrid Tison (smooth).
- Hybrid Lucy (smooth).
- Hybrid Mina (smooth, English).
- Hybrid Fandango (smooth).
- Hybrid Fauvette (smooth).
- Hybrid Flamingo (smooth).
- Variety Floral the smooth .
- Variety Marglobe (smooth).
- Variety Stonnor exhibition (smooth).
- Hybrid Nancy (smooth).
- Wonder of the markets (smooth). Growing


need a lot sun with a warm temperate climate. A frost or cold may drive them to lose.
cool temperature in places you have to find a sheltered site pr a wall or a sunny and warm or prepare a greenhouse. The optimum temperature is 20 to 24 degrees. Soil


The soil must be soft and very well paid with plenty of organic matter. If your soil is poor and not very deep you should pay it with compost. The soil pH should be slightly acid.


The seedlings need to be done in early spring. In greenhouses can be made in mid-winter to maintain a minimum temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
have to be planted in trays or pots with soil mix. The seeds have to be 5 mm deep and 4 inches apart.
They have to water and have to cover them with brown paper until they germinate at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.
The plants must carry a 18-cm pots. When planted in trays can be planted when they are 15 cm in height. Sowing


is sown in rows 80 cm and 50 cm between plants. The plants need much watering and sun. Well watered before transplanting
A spindle-type plants before they nailed a beer from 1.25 m to climb. It says the ground and watered.


tomato plants need regular watering but not over, with a couple of times a week enough. If we are not constant watering and we crack the fruit will not grow well. Payment


When the fruit is small you have to add fertilizer rich in potassium irrigation. Tutoring


When the plants grow a bit to bring them some beers are intertwined because they are very weak and may break. Pruning


dawn It has to come out any lateral bud in the axils of the stems with leaves, the tip stands out when there's plenty of fruit. In cool climates the tips of the fusiform varieties outside and beyond the upper cluster stands out when you have created 4 or 5.
greenhouse in hot weather or can be left for 8 to 10 clusters.

Collection :

The crop lasts from 140 to 260 days. Are collected when they have color but are not yet mature, if collected often helps others to mature and that mature more quickly collect cut, having to be tied up all before frost.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can A Viral Infection Raise Blood Pressure

Pepper Onion Tomatoes

Allium cepa.

is a plant of Asian origin, Western Asia, the lily family. It is a bulb that is formed by layers that are thick and fleshy nutritional reserves for feeding sheets and other layers are covered with fine, dry but they are the backbone of the leaves. The stem is stronger in the background and comes to be between 80 and 150 cm in height.
On the way there are varieties (in the form of a spinning top, globe, etc ...) and colors from white to yellow in color but red. Variety


There are a variety, but in Spain there are 4 main varieties:
- Early -turns in the spring. Varieties: spring (April-May), slug (May-June, has invested a cylinder, is very juicy and has a yellowish layer), early grain texas (very small comes fast and is yellow), ox blood (May-June, depressed bulb has a purple color that comes to the layers of the interior), yellow-straw (June, has a flattened shape), yellow bermuda (May-June, has flattened).
- Media station : Liria (June-July, is called a half point, is an intermediate between the onion and grain slug, are round and yellow), Crystal Wax White Bermuda or ( grown in the Canary Islands from May to June), Spain White (July, is white), Spain Residence (July to August, the outer layers are purple and red inside, the bulb is round).
- Delayed : Spain Yellow Sulphur (fall-iinvierno, are large, flattened and greenish-yellow) of Grain, Grain gold or Valencia late (September -October, the size is medium to large with a pale yellow color), purple Amposta (October-November, is very similar to the grain of gold but the exterior is red), dulce de Fuentes de Ebro ( autumn is large is used for salads and yellow).
- Other : Onions (June-July, are small for pickling), brown onion (especially for sausage).

Chemical composition of the onion : Water

92% 5% Carbohydrates (fiber 1, 3%)

Protein 1, 4% lipids

0, 2%

140 mg/100 g Potassium Sodium

8 mg/100 g mg/100 g Phosphorus 42 Iron

1 mg/100 g Vitamin C 19

mg/100 g



temperature Likes tuned between 15 and 23 degrees but the principle can withstand low temperatures. In the formation and growth of the bulb needs higher temperatures and more daylight hours in spring come the first, the short days and in summer-autumn late, those long days. Soil


requires loose soil, deep, with nutrient-rich organic matter, low in lime and of medium consistency, with a slightly acid PH. In areas with stone, with shallow water, the bulbs do not grow well and come out with a strong flavor. Care must be taken not to puddle.
If you have poor soils onions will keep better, but are less developed. If we obtain large bulbs need very fertile land, but if we paid with manure have to wait a year before planting.

Paving the way: In the terrn

compact to do more depth in the loose that can be planted 30 to 35 cm by the short length of their roots. If the culture is done on ridges, are made at a distance of 40 cm but is a method widely used.

Sowing :

seeds are obtained in the second year of cultivation. Usually reproduce by seed, Some varieties take small bulbs next to the main bulb can be used for new plantations. Planting can be done in the nursery or directly, but usually used the nursery, it is late winter, the first week of March.

In cold areas need to be protected from frost with plastic tunnels.

In direct sowing in the soil, the amount of seed required is very variable (4 g/m2), covering the seed with a layer of mulch 3-4 cm thick.

burying the seed is sown at 1.5 cm in rows 25 cm each. Germinate at 21 days or so. Stocking density depends on the type of bulb. Plantar

every 10-15 cm bulbs in rows 25-30 cm.Cambiar in spring to a separation of 15 cm between rows and 25. Cut half of the leaves before planting and do not put too buried specimens.


plantar Nothing else has to make the first irrigation. Be watered every 15 to 20 days. In the second planting to do more risks as it is in spring-summer and late summer to autumn onions grow in winter and spring and have more moisture per se, need less watering. The lack of irrigation at the end of the process makes you better keep the bulb, for which we will of water 15 or 30 days prior to pick them up. Be watered when the weather is dry but you have to let the bulbs when they are formed and the leaves begin to curl downwards.

is very sensitive to excessive moisture, because sudden changes can cause cracking of the bulbs. If irrigated eventually retain much worse.


Due to the short roots of the onion must be thoroughly clean the weeds to get a better harvest. They have to make repeated weeding to aerate the Terran, disrupt the capillary and eliminate weeds. The first has to be done when the plants have reached 10 cm in height, the other when necessary.

Other work :

clarify when the plants are large enough to be manipulated.


cabaret but must be careful that the roots do not suffer. The exchange to repeat this crop has to be less than 3 years and for best results are on land that had not previously used.

Collection :

The duraccion crop is 80 to 150 days. Bulbs are collected when they have grown enough and be saved you have to wait until the top is dry, the soil is raked and dried onions in the sun.

collection is done in summer when the leaves start to yellow.

Conservation :

When gathering is to take away the roots and leaves are woven together to form strings, hang dry and ventilated for good conservation. They can be kept stacked in a height of 80 cm thick, isolated from soil in dry and ventilated. For better preservation should ideally have low temperatures, dry and well ventilated.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Check If Cologne Is Fake

is a vegetable of the same family as the potato, eggplant and tomato (Solanaceae) which can be grown in a garden, a garden and even in pots on terrace, one need only note that needs sun.
is a shrub that can vary between 50 cm high and 2 meters invernadero.Hay some varieties of many types of peppers in terms of shapes (oblong, 3 or 4 peaks, square, squat, etc.), colors (red, green, yellow) and flavors (sweet or hot varieties varieties).



need to have enough light, it should be planted in full sun requires a warm or temperate climate and can not stand frost in autumn and winter can be planted in greenhouses. To germinate and grow needs at least 15 degrees and to flourish and be a minimum of 18 grade levels between 20 and 26 the best possible temperature. But

are well protected and suffers during flowering temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees is too small and can have defects. So in areas of cold is recommended to protect them with plastic tunnels to supply enough heat for their care.


You must have a humidity of between 50 and 70%. If the humidity is higher out diseases in the tops of the plant and makes fertilization and if lower, during summer, with high temperatures falling flower and fruit fresh.

Floor: Need

loose and sandy soil (not clay or heavy), deep, rich in organic matter and good drainage. If you have a lot of water and root rot fungi are generated. Sowing


seed is sown at a depth of 2-3 mm between February and March, must be taken not to plant them close together and in individual containers can be to keep out the very small and weak plants, germinate between 8 and 20 days.


When the seedlings are about 15 cm in height after about two months after planting, with about 5 or 6 leaves, should be planted in lines with a separation of 40 to 50 cm between plants and 60 to 70 lineas.Antes cm between planting is to dig the ground to orearla and give back to the earth worm smoke, manure or compost at a rate of 3 kilos per square meter.

Some varieties can take away the central bud to take out some side branches and the plant becomes larger.

In the greenhouse should be allowed a separation of 50 cm between plants and 1 m between the lines, if the plants are medium in size and the type of pruning is possible to increase the density of the population to 2 ½ to 3 plants plants square meter. Rotation


field can not be repeated or after other plants of the same family as tomatoes, eggplants or potatoes because they share diseases.

Subscriber :

With the addition of compost and manure is more than enough initial But if we look more performance añadorle 40 grams of fertilizer per plant to be distributed in two injections of 20 grams in the crop cycle, ie split it twice.

weeding :

have to weed and you have to make contributions of land to the trunk of the plant.

is important to reinforce the base and encourages the development of root system.

Irrigation: Water

with little water but can withstand constant as well without Aguna time. The ideal would be to drip irrigation is recommended at least as wet spray fruits and leaves and fungi out.

staking :

guardians must bring them to prevent the ground to lie or break the stems are very fragile at the nodes by the weight of the fruit.
gases are arranged in horizontal and other vertical wires where they are guided by the plant when it grows and so can reach 2 meters or more in height.


is done to limit the number of stems that are going to have the plant, must have 2 or 3.

The ideal way is to have a main stem on a cross and take two or tress branches and continue branching hata the end of the cycle, branching stems secundaris after several leaves and so forth is repeated throughout the plant.

When the plant is pruned branches to make 2 or 3 main branches by removing the leaves and buds that are below the cross.
is also important to remove leaves, or those with disease symptoms. When the plant is in its final cycle can be a trimming of plants and rinsing of the leaves to help mature the fruits that remain.


A plant can be given between 12 and 15 fruits at harvest, which occurs between June and September, which amounts to a kilo and a half or two kilos per meter square. Earlier plants will be ready between 50 and 60 days after transplanting and tardies may hold more than 3 months.

can be picked green, depends on the variety, but before you start to mature. Also you can catch mature but that requires immediate consumption or to keep roasts to be caught when they have taken color. Another option is to use as a condiment for what is left to dry in a dry place.
If you collect a little green plant more fruit to take out what the harvest will increase. The collection is made with scissors, leaving a corner of 2 to 3 cm.
spoil relatively quickly. In a cool retained 20 to 30 days at 0 º C.

Seed production :

is a hermaphrodite plant has an annual cycle, to remove the seeds are left off and strong healthy plants until they finish maturing. Once removed and cleaned spread and dried and stored. They can be kept for 3 to 4 years.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gay Men Think They Can Grope Women


Friday, January 23, 2009

White Clumps By Cervix

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