Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Check If Cologne Is Fake

is a vegetable of the same family as the potato, eggplant and tomato (Solanaceae) which can be grown in a garden, a garden and even in pots on terrace, one need only note that needs sun.
is a shrub that can vary between 50 cm high and 2 meters invernadero.Hay some varieties of many types of peppers in terms of shapes (oblong, 3 or 4 peaks, square, squat, etc.), colors (red, green, yellow) and flavors (sweet or hot varieties varieties).



need to have enough light, it should be planted in full sun requires a warm or temperate climate and can not stand frost in autumn and winter can be planted in greenhouses. To germinate and grow needs at least 15 degrees and to flourish and be a minimum of 18 grade levels between 20 and 26 the best possible temperature. But

are well protected and suffers during flowering temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees is too small and can have defects. So in areas of cold is recommended to protect them with plastic tunnels to supply enough heat for their care.


You must have a humidity of between 50 and 70%. If the humidity is higher out diseases in the tops of the plant and makes fertilization and if lower, during summer, with high temperatures falling flower and fruit fresh.

Floor: Need

loose and sandy soil (not clay or heavy), deep, rich in organic matter and good drainage. If you have a lot of water and root rot fungi are generated. Sowing


seed is sown at a depth of 2-3 mm between February and March, must be taken not to plant them close together and in individual containers can be to keep out the very small and weak plants, germinate between 8 and 20 days.


When the seedlings are about 15 cm in height after about two months after planting, with about 5 or 6 leaves, should be planted in lines with a separation of 40 to 50 cm between plants and 60 to 70 lineas.Antes cm between planting is to dig the ground to orearla and give back to the earth worm smoke, manure or compost at a rate of 3 kilos per square meter.

Some varieties can take away the central bud to take out some side branches and the plant becomes larger.

In the greenhouse should be allowed a separation of 50 cm between plants and 1 m between the lines, if the plants are medium in size and the type of pruning is possible to increase the density of the population to 2 ½ to 3 plants plants square meter. Rotation


field can not be repeated or after other plants of the same family as tomatoes, eggplants or potatoes because they share diseases.

Subscriber :

With the addition of compost and manure is more than enough initial But if we look more performance añadorle 40 grams of fertilizer per plant to be distributed in two injections of 20 grams in the crop cycle, ie split it twice.

weeding :

have to weed and you have to make contributions of land to the trunk of the plant.

is important to reinforce the base and encourages the development of root system.

Irrigation: Water

with little water but can withstand constant as well without Aguna time. The ideal would be to drip irrigation is recommended at least as wet spray fruits and leaves and fungi out.

staking :

guardians must bring them to prevent the ground to lie or break the stems are very fragile at the nodes by the weight of the fruit.
gases are arranged in horizontal and other vertical wires where they are guided by the plant when it grows and so can reach 2 meters or more in height.


is done to limit the number of stems that are going to have the plant, must have 2 or 3.

The ideal way is to have a main stem on a cross and take two or tress branches and continue branching hata the end of the cycle, branching stems secundaris after several leaves and so forth is repeated throughout the plant.

When the plant is pruned branches to make 2 or 3 main branches by removing the leaves and buds that are below the cross.
is also important to remove leaves, or those with disease symptoms. When the plant is in its final cycle can be a trimming of plants and rinsing of the leaves to help mature the fruits that remain.


A plant can be given between 12 and 15 fruits at harvest, which occurs between June and September, which amounts to a kilo and a half or two kilos per meter square. Earlier plants will be ready between 50 and 60 days after transplanting and tardies may hold more than 3 months.

can be picked green, depends on the variety, but before you start to mature. Also you can catch mature but that requires immediate consumption or to keep roasts to be caught when they have taken color. Another option is to use as a condiment for what is left to dry in a dry place.
If you collect a little green plant more fruit to take out what the harvest will increase. The collection is made with scissors, leaving a corner of 2 to 3 cm.
spoil relatively quickly. In a cool retained 20 to 30 days at 0 º C.

Seed production :

is a hermaphrodite plant has an annual cycle, to remove the seeds are left off and strong healthy plants until they finish maturing. Once removed and cleaned spread and dried and stored. They can be kept for 3 to 4 years.


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