Thursday, March 26, 2009

Making A Wood Carving Bench

Allium sativum Liliaceae plant native to Asia, from there to Egypt, Rome and thence to Europe. Later the English brought to America. The most common is white, although there is also pink or purple and small or large. It is a bulbous root that is named head of about 10 to 12 teeth, the plant usually grows from 30 to 40 cm, with massive leaves. They do not usually have flowers, they may have shaped teeth are white or pink, are grouped in umbels.

Each flower has 6 white petals, 6 stamens and a pistil.
Each garlic is covered with a white membrane or other red varieties.
has medicinal properties very rich in minerals, sulfur, enzymes and vitamins. The leaf buds are eaten and are called garlic.

varieties of garlic:

- common White (wrap silver teeth, late, eaten dry).
- Rosa early (wrap rosacea teeth, consume tender, early).
- Red (red wrapper, the pigment becomes red teeth, teeth thick and short, earlier than whites). Growing


He likes light soil. We must prepare the ground 6 months before planting plowing about 30 to 35 cm followed by a cross tracked and credited with organic fertilizers. In places with little irrigation are planted on ridges that can be done with hoe or high moldboard plows.
grooves must have a width of 50 cm and 20 cm between bulbs and 20 to 25 cm between rows. The depth depends on the size of garlic, 2 to 4 cm. Sowing


order not to dehydrate you have to reel off the bulbs 5 or 10 days before planting, saving not serve to sow shelled. It takes 700 kilos of bulbs to plant one hectare. The Planting must be done from the crescent moon ever because the garlic can leave the earth in a few days.
in planting is to plant the seed tip up. The largest teeth must be put at a distance of 10 cm and the medium to a distance of 8 cm.
should be covered with a layer of 4 or 5 cm. Teeth must be planted in holes of 8 cm deep and a separation of 15 to 20 centimeters. Can be planted in pots, one in every pot and transplanted in spring.
have to be planted in the fall so they are very cold weeks.
When you have planted is watering, pouring water slowly. Avoid waterlogged and does not exceed the groove to avoid creating scabs in the plant.

Irrigation: Water should be

the first 6 irrigations every 15 to 25 days. After the first watering to be done after ten days a light watering to fertilize the seeds that have not yet SAILD.
When you start to do good must be watered more often, every 8 or 10 days. 15 or 20 days prior to harvest should be done the last irrigation.

Although garlic should not be watered too often, being the best that are planted in dry land, you must remove the weeds for better development. Subscriber


is very sensitive to the amount of fertilizer used, never have to use excess or by default. We must prepare the ground for a good crop. You have to use organic fertilizer on the ground uniformly mature well before planting. Work


It must be 3 or 4 crops to remove weeds, keep moisture, have the ground soft and better filtering of irrigation water. Ensuring that the bars do not harm the roots. You have to weed.


harvested in June or July. We have to wait 8 months to collect the fruits of autumn planting and 4 for the spring collection. Must be collected in good weather when the leaves are dry. In loose terrain can remove the bulbs by pulling the leaves, the compact is to use blades sapper, Legon.
plants can be left on the ground for 4 or 5 days, then collected and made strings for storage in a dry and ventilated. You can save some bulbs to plant next year.


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