Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why Are You More Fertile After A Chemical

Language Disorders ... More information

Language is the main tool that humans possess to interact and bond with others. From this statement we can easily infer that the child will have varied difficulties if language development is altered: difficulties in interaction with parents and peers, poor school performance, isolation, etc. delayed cognitive development. All these problems can significantly affect the child's psychological health, being able to present behavioral and emotional problems of importance, from this fact, we can say that the psychologist has an important role in the treatment of language disorders, by, for example, training programs for the family, social skills instruction or correction of behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and lack of pulses.

This report will focus on various language disorders that may occur in childhood. Are presented succinctly the characteristics of dyslalias, dysarthria, stuttering and aphasia; also be given in greater detail the characteristics of dysphasia, pointing with his characteristics, aspects of evaluation and treatment. In the second section contains practical activities for the observation, application of test and interviews with a dysphasic child, to make a contrast between the theoretical information collection and data collected by the group. Finally, we present a discussion which will examine the key aspects of language disorders, the experience gained in the activity and some reflections on the role of psychologists in these disorders.

Language Disorders.

The term "language disorders" is used to diagnose children who develop selective aspects in their native language in a slow, limited or deviant way, whose origin is not due to the presence of demonstrable physical or neurological causes, hearing problems, developmental disorders or mental retardation.

Different types of language disorders often occur together. Also associated with deficits in academic performance during the school years, functional enuresis problems, developmental disorders of coordination, with emotional, behavioral and social (Dabbah, 1994).


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